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Redian Software Global jobs in Noida

Search for Redian Software Global jobs in Noida
Key Responsibilities: Collaborate with Hiring Managers: Work closely with hiring managers to understand their staffing requirements and priorities. Develop a deep understanding of the team dynamics, project requirements, and company culture....

Redian Software Global
Job Details- Prepare cost estimates and technical proposals such that they meet the clients requirements. Help sales executives during technical presentations. Respond to a request for information (RFIs) or request for proposals (RFPs) from ...

Redian Software Global
&nbsp;...<span>Implementation and support of Core </span><b>Banking </b><span>and Other Banking systems well thought through bugfree and ontime Collaborate with stakeholders such as BAs PMs and Product on implementing features . Providing p...

Redian Software Global
&nbsp;...<span>project requirements, and company culture. Candidate Sourcing and Networking: Utilize various sourcing methods, including </span><b>online </b><span>job boards, social media, professional networks, and referrals, to identify...

Redian Software Global
&nbsp;...<span>negotiations and coordinate the offer process. Ensure a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring process. Maintain </span><b>Recruitment </b><span>Documentation: Keep accurate and uptodate records of candidate...

Redian Software Global
&nbsp;...<span>industry project management best practices (PMBOK). Knowledge of varying IT and project methodologies or frameworks such as Waterfall </span><b>Scrum </b><span>and Kanban. Project Management Structures projects appropriately; Dev...

Redian Software Global

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