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Top carnegie jobs in University, MO

Search for carnegie jobs in University, MO
Lead impactful work as Regional Director of the Center for Social Impact at Miami Regional University in OH. Enhance student civic engagement & workforce development through innovative initiatives. Oversee programs, manage grants, engage with communi...
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University, MO

Miami University
Carnegie Mellon University seeks a Physics faculty member specializing in astrophysics, biophysics, or similar fields to enhance the department's research and academic programs. The position offers tenure-track with emphasis on diversity, inclusion, ...
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University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University Department of Physics seeks a dynamic full-time faculty member in astrophysics/cosmology to join the McWilliams Center for Cosmology. Ideal candidates will enhance computational/theoretical or observational/instrumentation ...
Full time
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University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
Join CMU and Duke for a unique 2-year postdoc in moral artificial intelligence. Collaborate with world-renowned professors, engage with partners like Stanford, Guelph, and Oxford, and tackle cutting-edge research challenges. Ph.D. in CS, stats, or re...
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University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University seeks 2 tenure-track faculty members in theoretical quantum physics. One role emphasizes quantum field theory applications, the other focuses on correlated quantum states in condensed matter. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in...
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University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
Seeking a Director of Undergraduate Advising for Carnegie Mellon University's expanding Physics Department. Valued advising role with course guidance, research support, and mentorship. PhD in Physics required. Diversity champions encouraged to apply....
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University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University's Physics Department seeks a Visiting Researcher for a 2-month Theory Biophysics role, starting Feb 2020. Work entails developing computational models for bacterial growth and response to antibiotics. Must have Bachelor's o...
Full time
Temporary work
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Immediate start
University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
Join Carnegie Mellon University's innovative Si lab as a postdoc! Uncover biological laws through precise measurements and new concepts. Modify bacterial cells to reveal cellular fitness rules in various environments. Ideal for Ph.D. holders in Physi...
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University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University seeks a postdoctoral fellow for experimental particle physics at the CMS experiment. Work includes dark matter searches, MET reconstruction enhancement with ML, and CMS trigger upgrade. Collaboration with diverse groups enc...
For contractors
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University, MO

Carnegie Mellon University
UMBC's CSEE department seeks dynamic individuals for open rank, tenured/tenure-track positions in Computer and Electrical Engineering, focusing on advanced areas like VLSI, hardware security, neural computation, semiconductor tech, and more. Ideal ca...
University, MO

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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