Job Information Scope
Located in Yellowknife, the position provides expert advice to both the Department and the three (3) Health and Social Services Boards. The incumbent is responsible for the
development and monitoring of a multimillion dol...
Job Information The Career Development Officer will coordinate, monitor, develop and implement Labour Market and Career and Employment Development programs and services to ensure the delivery of appropriate, quality, cost effective programs and serv...
Department Information
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) works through wide-ranging partnerships and initiatives to deliver quality programs and services that promote and support economic development, diversification and pr...
The Department of Infrastructure (INF) provides high quality services to the public and Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT) departments, boards and agencies including the planning, design, construction, acquisition, operation and mainten...
Job Information The Case Aide provides casework assistance to Family and Community Social Workers and work directly with children, youth, and families served through Child, Family and Community Wellness. The Case Aide will play a supporting role in ...
The Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly is one of the three distinct and autonomous branches of the Government of the Northwest Territories (Legislative, Executive and Judicial). As such, it operates with autonomy and independence from Cabine...
The Department of Health and Social Services works under the direction of the Minister and Deputy Minister, in partnership with the Health and Social Services Authorities, to support the health and wellbeing of people across the NWT through planning...
Department Information
The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA), supports capable, accountable and self-directed community governments providing a safe, sustainable and healthy environment for community residents.
Job Informati...
The mandate of the Department of Justice is to administer justice, including policing, community justice, victims services and corrections in the Northwest Territories. This mandate will be carried out in a manner which respects community and indige...
Department Information
The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) offers challenging and exciting careers in health and social services delivery and administration in Canada’s North. The Territorial Authority has serv...