Join the Department of Accounting at University of Iowa! Fall 2024 start for non-tenure Instructional Track Faculty Position. Available from part to full-time. Requires CPA/Masters/PhD in accounting. Teaching experience needed. Share your expertise i...
Join the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business as a Marketing Faculty member (Associate/Full Professor). Conduct innovative research, contribute to curriculum development, and foster inclusive campus relationships. Enrich your career in a d...
Join the University of Iowa's Economics Department as an Associate/Full Professor specializing in labor, health, or public economics. Conduct impactful empirical research, mentor students, and lead academic initiatives. Showcase exceptional scholarsh...
The Univ. of Iowa seeks an Assistant/Associate/Professor for the Pathology Dept. in a tenured/non-tenured role. The preferred candidate will lead the histocompatibility lab, supporting various transplant programs. MD/PhD with CP/AP/CP and ASHI certif...
Join the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa as a Visiting Faculty in Accounting. Full-time non-tenure position from Fall 2024 with benefits. Deliver 2-4 classes yearly. Show excellence, contribute to diversity and uphold respectful ...
Join the Accounting Department at the UIowa-Tippie College of Business as an Instructional Faculty. Flexible position, 50-100% teaching load. Competitive salary & benefits. Promote diversity and inclusion. Submit application by March 18, 2024. Discov...
Join the University of Iowa's cochlear implant electrophysiology lab as a postdoctoral research scholar for the NIDCD P50 project. Work closely with esteemed leaders such as Marlan Hansen, MD, and Shuman He, MD, PhD. Engage in pivotal research on aud...
Join the exciting and rewarding research team at the University of Iowa's Department of Family Medicine. Seeking applicants for Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor roles, with a PhD, MD, DO, or equivalent. Must have strong research background and...
Utilize a variety of human patient samples, cell cultures, and mouse models to investigate the Hippo pathway's role in sarcomas. PhD or MD/PhD required, with skills in sterile techniques and cell culturing. Experience in CRISPR/Cas9, molecular biolog...
Join the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business as an Instructional Track Faculty member in Business Communication starting 8/21/24. Full-time role teaching 8 classes/year with benefits. Required: Master's Degree in related field, 2 years of...