Title: Culinary Team Member - Seasonal Dept: Program Summary: Assist in all kitchen operations, including meal prep, cooking, and cleaning. Collaborate on menu planning, maintain safety standards, and ensure quality meals for campers. Uphold health...
Responsible for preparing financial statements, analyzing data, and maintaining the consolidation system. Duties include payroll processing, accounting tasks, and ensuring confidentiality. Requires a Bachelor's in Accounting, 1-2 years experience, Ex...
Join the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council for an exciting opportunity as a Health Center Supervisor at Skyland Ranch in Southern California. Help provide health care for campers and staff, maintain records, and ensure a safe environment. Get invol...
Seeking to impact lives of girls & women? Develop a career in recreation & social services with Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council at Skyland Ranch in CA. Rewarding temporary position, competitive wages, & free room/board. Help build courage, confid...
Seeking Riding Staff for our upcoming Southern California camp season. Impact young girls' lives as part of our Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council. Ensure a safe and enriching environment for campers, horses, and staff. Join us in empowering future ...
Join GSSGC and unleash the power of graphic design in captivating storytelling. We need a skillful designer to craft visuals for both print and digital media. Must excel in design software and collaborate seamlessly. Keen eye for detail, branding pro...