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Top worship pastor jobs in Lewisham, Greater London

Search for worship pastor jobs in Lewisham, Greater London
Bonus Pastor Catholic College is excited to advertise the role of Deputy Director of PE & Sport and is hoping to appoint a person to start in either April or September 2024. Salary – MPS/UPS including Inner London Allowance plus TLR . Bonus Pa...
Permanent employment
Full time
Local area
Lewisham, Greater London

Bonus Pastor Catholic College
Bonus Pastor is a really exciting place to work, with innovative £22 million buildings and amazing facilities. The school was judged Outstanding in every category by Ofsted in September 2017, which highlighted that ‘ Teachers are ambitious for their...
Part time
Casual work
Flexible hours
Lewisham, Greater London

Bonus Pastor Catholic College
Bonus Pastor is a great place to work, with innovative £22 million buildings and amazing facilities. We are proud of our extensive on-site facilities which include a large playing field, sports hall, hard court area and netball court. The school was...
Permanent employment
Full time
Lewisham, Greater London

Bonus Pastor Catholic College
Bonus Pastor Catholic College is a very exciting place to work, with innovative £22 million buildings and amazing facilities. Ofsted judged the school Outstanding in every category in September 2017 and students consistently achieve above-average at...
Permanent employment
Full time
Lewisham, Greater London

Bonus Pastor Catholic College
Bonus Pastor is a really exciting place to work, with innovative £22 million buildings and amazing facilities. The school was judged Outstanding in every category by Ofsted in September 2017 and October 2023, which highlighted that ‘Teachers are amb...
Permanent employment
Full time
Lewisham, Greater London

Bonus Pastor Catholic College

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