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Philosophy Education jobs in Lewisham, Greater London

Search for Philosophy Education jobs in Lewisham, Greater London
School Administrator Full -time (8AM - 4PM) Immediate start Ongoing contract Must have school office experience (min 1 year) A large, well-organised secondary school in Lewisham is looking for an experienced School administrator to join t...
Full time
Contract work
Work at office
Local area
Immediate start
Lewisham, Greater London

Philosophy Education
Year 2 Teacher Full-Time Primary school Lewisham Paid to Scale A welcoming 3-form-entry primary school in Lewisham are looking for a trained primary teacher to join their school on a full-time basis ASAP of the academic year. The school...
Full time
Contract work
Summer work
Local area
Immediate start
Lewisham, Greater London

Philosophy Education
Job Title: Part Time Spanish Teacher Spanish Teacher Catholic Primary School Lewisham Part-Time contract Tuesdays to start ASAP until end of academic year An opportunity has become available for a Spanish Teacher to work ever...
Full time
Contract work
Part time
Immediate start
Lewisham, Greater London

Philosophy Education
~ School Receptionist ~ Full-time  ~ Temporary ~9am - 5pm ~ Immediate start A lovely, well-organised school are looking for a school receptionist to join their team on a full-time basis.  As the school receptionist you will be greeting visito...
Full time
Contract work
Temporary work
Local area
Immediate start
Lewisham, Greater London

Philosophy Education

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