Frei nach unserem Unternehmensmotto „Ökonomisch denken – ökologisch handeln“ – möchten wir so die Grundintention unseres Unternehmens an zusammenfassen. Wir haben uns das Ziel gesetzt, der Energiegewinnung durch Photovoltaikanlagen Vorschub zu lei...
We need new energy - the clock is ticking! Omexom Renewable Energies Offshore GmbH has been committed to sustainable energy supply from day one. We are pioneers and trailblazers in the field of offshore wind energy. Our team lives and shapes the ene...
Unser Virtuelles Kraftwerk
Digitale Leitwarte für die dezentrale Energiewirtschaft
Flexible Arbeitszeit
Key Account Manager Energiewirtschaft - Redispatch
Gestalte mit uns die Energiewende!
Wir von emsys grid serv...
Who we are ...
Our primary focuses at Fraunhofer IWES are on wind energy and hydrogen technologies. Our institute is home to more than 300 scientists and employees as well as over 100 students from over 30 countries pursuing careers in applied res...
The School VI of Medicine and Health Sciences comprises the fields ofhuman medicine, medical physics and acoustics, neurosciences, psychology andhealth services research. Together with the four regional hospitals, School VIforms the University Medic...
ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research has a vacant PostDoc position in the research group `Wind Energy Systems” at the Institute of Physics of the University of Oldenburg starting as soon as possible for a limited period of 3 years.
At the School II - Computing
Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Law - of the Carl von
Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, there will be as soon as possible a vacancy in the Department of Computing
Science within the research group "Dist...
Die Arbeitsgruppe Organische Geochemie am Institut
für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM) der Carl von Ossietzky Universität
Oldenburg sucht eine*n
Mitarbeiter*in/Doktorand*in (m/w/d) im Bereich Analytik/Umweltchemie (Ent...
The Pelagic Microbiology Group at the ICBM (Institute
of Biology and Chemistry of the Marine Environment) of the University of Oldenburg,
Germany, offers a position as a
Research Assistant (f/m/d) (salary according to E13 TV-L, 100%)
...resources policy places great value on a healthy family and work-life-balance as well as equal opportunities for persons of all genders (f/m/x). Individuals with disabilities will be given preferential consideratio...