Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
Embrace the chance to learn, create, and influence the ever-evolving culture. ...
Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams an unserem Hauptstandort in Planegg-Martinsried bei München suchen wir Sie ab sofort als Teamleiter (m/w/d) Auftragsplanung.
Ihr Job im Zukunftsmarkt Laser und Photonik
Die Menlo Systems GmbH zählt seit ihrer Grün...
We are looking for passionate students to join our Digital team for a 6-month Internship.
With sport playing an increasingly important role in more and more peoples’ lives, both on and off the field of play, we operate in a highly attractive in...
We are epay. As an independent full-service payment provider, we offer a single-interface platform that enables maximum flexibility in the everchanging payment journey. Our distribution network is one of the fastest growing networks with hundreds of...
Tu, was Du liebst
Auftragserfassung: Du nimmst Anfragen schriftlich und telefonisch entgegen, bearbeitest diese und findest für unsere Kunden die optimale Lösung
Kundenbetreuung: Du stehst unseren Kunden aus dem Bereich Einzelhandel be...
Would you like to complete a once in a lifetime internship abroad with one of the world’s largest sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
We’ll never launch a product unless we consider it perfect. ...
Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
Join our Color and Materials Design team to contribute to the creation of exci...
Wir sind epay und bieten als unabhängiger Full-Service-Payment-Provider unseren globalen Partnern mit nur einer Schnittstelle eine Plattform, die es ermöglicht, in der sich stetig ändernden Payment Journey jederzeit völlig flexibel zu bleiben. Unser...
Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
Join our Apparel Design team to contribute to the creation of exciting product...
Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
To generate brand heat and set trends, we team up with creative partners - rangin...