Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
To generate brand heat and set trends, we team up with creative partners - rangin...
Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
Embrace the chance to learn, create, and influence the ever-evolving culture.
We are looking for passionate students to join our Digital team for a 6-month Internship.
With sport playing an increasingly important role in more and more peoples’ lives, both on and off the field of play, we operate in a highly attractive in...
Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
Join our Apparel Design team to contribute to the creation of exciting products....
Du suchst einen Nebenjob, der in deinen Uni-Alltag passt? Starte als Werkstudent Verkauf (m/w/d) und finanziere dir dein Studium - mit einem attraktiven Gehalt sowie Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld.
Would you like to complete a 6 month internship with one of the world’s leading sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
Join our Color and Materials Design team to contribute to the creation of exciting...
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CTcon ist die Top-Managementberatung für Unternehmenssteuerung. Unsere Klienten sind im DAX 40 und EURO STOXX 50 notierte Konzerne sowie smarte Marktführer aus dem Mittelstand. Von uns beraten, steuern und führe...
Would you like to complete a once in a lifetime internship abroad with one of the world’s largest sportswear brands?
We push the boundaries of products, experiences, and services.
We’ll never launch a product unless we consider it perfect. ...
Informationen zum Job
Wöchentliche Arbeitszeit: 12,0 Stunden
Beginn: 01.12.2023
Filiale: Filiale
Vertragsart: unbefristet
Sabine MöllerStudentenjob6-9 Uhr
Du suchst einen Nebenjob, der in deine...