Companies can only exploit the full potential of digitisation if they network their IT systems with each other. And this is exactly what we do for our customers. Put simply: We are our customers' "business accelerators" - and keep the...
Es wird Zeit, dass wir uns kennenlernen.
Gegründet im Jahr 1990 waren wir zunächst in den Bereichen Deponiebewirtschaftung und Baustoffrecycling tätig. Im Laufe der Jahre wurden immer weitere Tätigkeitsfelder rund um Bausektor und Entsorgungsb...
Companies can only exploit the full potential of digitisation if they network their IT systems with each other. And this is exactly what we do for our customers. Put simply: We are our customers' "business accelerators" - and keep the...
Companies can only exploit the full potential of digitisation if they network their IT systems with each other. And this is exactly what we do for our customers. Put simply: We are our customers' "business accelerators" - and keep the...
Wir sind Trio Personalmanagement - Ihr regionaler Personaldienstleister.
Die gesamte Geschäftsführung, Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bringen langjährige Erfahrung in den Bereichen Arbeitnehmerüberlassung, Personalvermittlung, Vertrieb, Customer...
Deine Aufgaben
Eine dreijährige duale Ausbildung zur/m Kauffrau/-mann für Büromanagement verbindet optimal Theorie mit Praxis. Neben deiner Ausbildung in der Berufsschule wirst Du im Betrieb als aktives Teammitglied Einblicke in alle Bereiche d...
School Internship - Insight into various occupational profiles
These include the following departments in particular:
Introduction to Customer Service & Support
First steps with SEEBURGER software - Business Integration Server
Companies can only exploit the full potential of digitisation if they network their IT systems with each other. And this is exactly what we do for our customers. Put simply: We are our customers' "business accelerators" - and keep the...
Companies can only exploit the full potential of digitisation if they network their IT systems with each other. And this is exactly what we do for our customers. Put simply: We are our customers' "business accelerators" - and keep the...