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Top westfield concierge jobs in Farnborough, Hampshire

Search for westfield concierge jobs in Farnborough, Hampshire
GoHenry is a UK-based fintech company created by parents to pioneer financial education. More recently, GoHenry moved into Europe and the US by joining forces with French fintech company PixPay and US investing app, Acorns.  Together, Acorns, PixP...
Permanent employment
Full time
Local area
Employment trial period
Holiday work
2 days week
Farnborough, Hampshire

GoHenry Inc.
Please note: This position is known as a 'Member Services Agent' internally at GoHenry. GoHenry is a London and New York-based fintech company that pioneered the youth fintech and financial education category. We are on a mission to make every ki...
Permanent employment
Part time
Employment trial period
Flexible hours
Shift work
Working Monday to Friday
Farnborough, Hampshire


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