We have 30,000+ customer experience specialists in 28 countries with 90+ locations, providing services in 33 languages to international brands in various industries. Due to our recent success, we are expanding our award-winning tea...
...resources policy places great value on a healthy family and work-life-balance as well as equal opportunities for persons of all genders (f/m/x). Individuals with disabilities will be given preferential consideratio...
Du wirst unser Team am REPA-Prüfstand am internationalen
Testzentrum Plataforma Solar de Almeria (CIEMAT-PSA) in Spanien
unterstützen. Das Ziel des Prüfstandes ist die beschleunigte
Prüfung der flexiblen Rohrverbinder, die eine der
...resources policy places great value on a healthy family and work-life-balance as well as equal opportunities for persons of all genders (f/m/x). Individuals with disabilities will be given preferential consideratio...
Studien-/ Abschlussarbeit, Praktikum
Wir suchen eine/n Student/in Verfahrenstechnik, Energietechnik,
Mechatronik o.ä. (w/m/d)
Ihre Mission:
Möchten Sie auf der Plataforma Solar de Almería (Spanien) einen
Versuch an Solarkollektoren bei 40...
Course paper / final thesis, Internship
Experiments on silicone-based heat transfer fluids in solar receiver tubes
KONTAS test bench auf der Plataforma Solar de Almería (owned and operated by CIEMAT)
Starting date
1 April 2024
Description: Meet the client:
Our client is pioneering Spain's energy transition by making clean energy solutions like solar panels, batteries, EVs, and heat pumps widely accessible. Thanks to their very impressive and recent €50m funding, ...
Studien-/ Abschlussarbeit, Praktikum
Experimente zu Silicon-basierten Wärmeträgerfluiden in Solar-Receiverrohren
KONTAS Teststand auf der Plataforma Solar de Almería (betrieben vom spanischen Kooperationspartner CIEMAT)