The laboratory of Epigenetics of Aging at TUM Garching seeks to recruit a qualified candidate with a deep commitment to basic research TVL-E13/60%) for participation in a research project starting April-May 2024.
We are seeking a high...
...or robotics highly desirable
– proficiency in programming languages such as Python and experience with deep learning frameworks (e. g., PyTorch)
– passion for research and problem-solving
– excellent communicat...
At the Fraunhofer Application Center »Connected Mobility and Infrastructure«, we investigate and
develop concepts to design the mobility of the future in a safer, more efficient and resource-saving way.
We are dedicated to current research quest...
The Fraunhofer Application Center “Connected Mobility and Infrastructure” at Technische Hochschule
Ingolstadt (THI) focuses on current and future topics of automated and cooperative driving. Diverse
competences in the fields of sensor technology...
...TensorFlow, PyTorch und SUMO
– eigene Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Reinforcement Learning
– Kenntnisse zu Algorithmen wie beispielsweise Q-Learning, A2C, PPO, Rainbow
– Sehr gutes Verständnis von Neuronalen Net...
Praktikum - PMT-Entwicklung im Bereich Softwarefunktionen Antrieb/Fahrwerk
Forschung / Entwicklung
Zu besetzen ab:
Ihr Arbeitsumfeld
Unser Team im Bereich "Entwicklung Funktionsplattfo...
Be part of our team
Doctoral Candidate (m/f/d) Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicle Perception
AImotion Bavaria
Autonomous driving? Unmanned flying? Digital production? The AI mobility hub AImotion Bavaria in Ingolstadt is dedicated to these key...
The laboratory of Epigenetics of Aging at TUM Garching seeks to recruit a qualified candidate with a deep commitment to basic research TVL-E13/60%) for participation in a research project starting April-May 2024.
We are seeking a high...
At CARIAD, we're bundling and further expanding the Volkswagen Group's software expertise. We’re uniting over 6,500 global experts to build a scalable technology stack, including a software platform, unified electronic architecture and reliable conn...
Das Fraunhofer-Anwendungszentrum »Vernetzte Mobilität und Infrastruktur« widmet sich aktuellen
und zukunftsweisenden Fragestellungen zum automatisierten und kooperativen Fahren und Fliegen. Dabei
werden vielfältige Kompetenzen auf den Gebieten de...