"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With our wide range of generics, consumer health products and specialty pharmaceuticals, we offer patients, do...
Abiturientenprogramm Handelsfachwirt 2024 (m/w/d)
Wöchentliche Arbeitszeit: 37,5 Stunden
Beginn: 01.08.2024
Filiale: Filiale
Vertragsart: befristet
Manuel KlassHandelsfachwirt; Mit Führungsverantwortung
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With our wide range of generics, consumer health products and specialty pharmaceuticals, we offer patients, do...
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With our wide range of generics, consumer health products and specialty pharmaceuticals, we offer patients, do...
Willkommen bei BAUHAUS!
BAUHAUS baut vor allem auf eines: Den Einsatz aller Mitarbeiter:innen – füreinander und für jeden einzelnen Kunden. Denn nur mit Respekt, Zusammenhalt und Leidenschaft macht es Spaß, jeden Tag aufs ...