TUD Dresden University of Technology, as a University of Excellence, is one of the leading and most dynamic research institutions in the country. As a modern employer, it offers attractive working conditions to all employees in teaching, research, te...
Deine Zukunft - machbar mit OBI! Gemeinsam finden wir heraus, in welchem Bereich du dich am wohlsten fühlst. Werde Allrounder:in für den gesamten OBI Markt und Expert:in für Garten-, Bad- oder Küchenplanung! Wir bieten dir den Einstieg, der zu dir p...
B&S Engineering GmbH stands for competent and qualified customer service in all areas of technical building equipment, especially in the field of energy efficiency.
Our team consists of experts with many years of professional experience in consul...
Job Description
Most of the chips in your computer, tablet, or smartphone were likely optimized with our help! As a trusted software solution provider within KLA – one of the leading machine producers in semiconductors – we build and maintain soft...