Companies can only exploit the full potential of digitisation if they network their IT systems with each other. And this is exactly what we do for our customers. Put simply: We are our customers' "business accelerators" - and keep the...
Bachelor Thesis / Master Thesis
Process Mining Demonstration System
Process Mining is used for the visualization and analysis of business processes and is based on the analysis of event logs. These contain information about the ...
Companies can only exploit the full potential of digitisation if they network their IT systems with each other. And this is exactly what we do for our customers. Put simply: We are our customers' "business accelerators" - and keep the...
AI Mapping Service for APIs
Motivation and goals
APIs play a central role in the integration of applications. Interface descriptions enable the automatic generation of calls. Different interface descriptions can be mapped to each other...
Unternehmen können das volle Potential der Digitalisierung nur dann ausschöpfen, wenn sie ihre IT-Systeme miteinander vernetzen. Und genau das tun wir für unsere Kunden. Anders ausgedrückt: Wir sind die „Businessbeschleuniger“ unserer ...
Bachelor Thesis
Validation and improvement of business process performance using the B2B Standard Solution as an example
The B2B Standard Solution forms the backbone of digital business processes in the retail and automotive indust...
School Internship - Insight into various occupational profiles
These include the following departments in particular:
Introduction to Customer Service & Support
First steps with SEEBURGER software - Business Integration Server
„Accelerating business to improve the lives of people”. Unser Purpose drückt ideal aus, was wir tagtäglich mit Begeisterung tun – die IT-Systeme unserer Kunden vernetzen, um ihre Prozesse zu digitalisieren, damit die richtigen Daten zur richtigen Zei...
Bachelor- / Masterarbeit
Process Mining Demonstrationssystem
Process Mining dient zur Visualisierung und Analyse von Geschäftsprozessen und basiert auf der Analyse von Event-Logs. Diese enthaltenen Informationen zur Zusammengehö...
AI Mapping Service for APIs
Motivation und Ziele
APIs spielen bei der Integration von Anwendungen eine zentrale Rolle. Schnittstellenbeschreibungen ermöglichen das automatische Generieren von Aufrufen. Verschiedene Schnittstellenbesch...