High School Math/Science Teacher/Tutor Wanted Motivated by mathematics? Sharp with science? Excited by equations in both fields? Eager to help students succeed in math and science?
Our hours count! Gain valuable teaching experience! Oxford Learni...
Khalsa Secondary School is seeking candidates for two English and Social Studies (Humanities) positions.
Khalsa Secondary School is a faith-based school located on 10589 124 Street. Academic teachers do not have to be observers of the faith. Teac...
Part-Time English & Math Teacher/Tutor Wanted Passionate about puns? Excited by equations? Eager to help students succeed in English and Math?
Gain valuable teaching experience! Oxford Learning Kerrisdale is currently seeking a part-time teache...
The starting salary for these roles ranges from £7,344 - £11,016 per annum dependant on hours worked and on individual or whole class teaching. Please see below for more information.
Are you passionate about getting young people to take up an instru...
Khalsa Secondary School is recruiting a Learning Support Team Teacher/ Resource Teacher for Grade 8 - 12.
Khalsa Secondary School is actively recruiting a teacher for physical education. Khalsa School is an independent Sikh school in British Co...
Our K-9 Two-Day Blended programs are popular and growing, join our team and grow with us! We are expanding our grade 4-7 offerings, as our existing classes have reached capacity for next year already.
TLA Online is seeking two teachers with exp...
Part-Time Senior Level Math Teacher-Tutor (Gr. 11-12) Wanted Motivated by mathematics? Excited by equations? Eager to help students succeed?
Oxford Learning Ocean Park is looking for an upbeat, reliable, enthusiastic, dynamic part-time High Schoo...
Khalsa Secondary School is seeking candidates for two Food Studies teachers.
Khalsa Secondary School is a faith based school located on 10589 124 Street. Academic teachers do not have to be observers of the faith. Teachers from all diverse backgr...
Part-Time French/English Teacher/Tutor Wanted Excited by literature? Eager to help students succeed in English/French?
We are currently seeking part-time teacher-tutors for a role in our learning centre at Oxford Learning Kerrisdale . This posi...
Khalsa School Old Yale Road provides quality education to over 900 students in British Columbia’s fastest-growing community. Serving a diverse and multicultural society, we are a progressive school campus offering a broad range of innovative program...