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Spectrum Comm Inc jobs in Clearfield, UT

Search for Spectrum Comm Inc jobs in Clearfield, UT
Spectrum is hiring Cleared Transition Managers, Engineers, and Specialists in Utah. Require skills in C++, JAVA, PYTHON, and MATLAB. Expertise in MBSE and CAMEO. Strong problem-solving and communication skills needed. Benefit from health care, retire...
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Clearfield, UT

Spectrum Comm Inc
Spectrum seeks top-notch Engineers (Electrical, Mechanical, ETs, Nuclear) for a Utah program. Requires Systems Engineering expertise with certifications. Professional Engineering License preferred. Benefits include Health Care, Retirement Plan, Life ...
Holiday work
Full time
Temporary work
Clearfield, UT

Spectrum Comm Inc
Spectrum seeks skilled Financial Managers for various levels - Junior to Principal. Candidates must excel in PPBE concepts, Govt. accounting, data analysis, and creating advanced financial models. Generous perks include healthcare, retirement, and st...
Holiday work
Full time
Temporary work
For contractors
Clearfield, UT

Spectrum Comm Inc

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