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Top remote camp manager jobs in Zirconia, NC

Search for remote camp manager jobs in Zirconia, NC
Lead and inspire youth at a specialized summer camp for kids with special needs. Guide engaging activities, foster personal growth and build essential skills. Gain valuable certifications and enjoy competitive pay, room and board. Elevate your summer...
Summer work
Seasonal work
Zirconia, NC

Talisman Summer Camp
Be part of our Camp Leadership as a Rocks Facilitator! Join our exciting team conducting group rock climbing and Tree Climbing activities. Certification and training provided; experience required. Unique benefits include Technical Tree Climbing Train...
Summer work
Seasonal work
Zirconia, NC

Talisman Summer Camp
Adventure Treks seeks a part-time admin & sales coordinator to assist with admissions, communication, and program logistics. Ideal candidate is organized, motivated, and adept at customer service. Office hours are flexible, offering growth opportunit...
Hourly pay
Full time
Part time
Summer work
Flexible hours
Day shift
Monday to Friday
Zirconia, NC

Adventure Treks

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