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Top sunday jobs in Streatham Hill, Greater London

Search for sunday jobs in Streatham Hill, Greater London
Weekend nanny/mothers help for family with B3 and newborn baby. Helping mum at home, starting 1pm on Saturday mostly caring for the B3 until he goes to bed around 7pm. The nanny will stay overnight on Saturday as the dad needs to leave for work at 3p...
Permanent employment
Part time
Immediate start
Night shift
Weekend work
Streatham Hill, Greater London

Abbeville Nannies Ltd
7366P-FC - Weekend Nanny in Streatham Hill Location: SW2, London Job Description: A lovely family of four is looking to hire a Weekend Nanny to help them take care of their children, a 3-year-old little boy and a 2-week-old baby girl. The mothe...
Hourly pay
Permanent employment
Full time
Immediate start
Weekend work
Early shift
Streatham Hill, Greater London

Nanny & Butler

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