Job description:Applications are invited from talented, creative, and motivated students for a PhD place in Experimental Particle Physics to join the Sussex group working on novel opaque scintillator detector R&D and neutrino physics under the superv...
Job description:Applications are invited from talented and creative students for a PhD place in Experimental Particle Physics, to join the Sussex group working on the NOvA experiment under the supervision of Dr Lily Asquith.
The NOvA experiment u...
Job description:Applications are invited from talented and creative students for a PhD place in Experimental Particle Physics, to join the Sussex group working on the SBND experiment under the supervision of Dr Clark Griffith. A number of experiments...
Job description:Applications are invited from talented, and creative students for a PhD place in Experimental Particle Physics, to join the Sussex group working on the DUNE experiment under the supervision of Prof Simon Peeters and Dr Kate Shaw.
Job description:A fully funded studentship is available to join an exciting “anomaly hunting” programme searching for new physics beyond the Standard Model with the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), under the supervision of Prof...
Job description:Applications are invited from talented and creative students for a PhD place in Experimental Particle Physics to join the Sussex group working on the SNO+ experiment under the supervision of Dr Elisabeth Falk. SNO+ offers a rich progr...
Job description:A funded STFC studentship is available to work under the supervision of Prof Fabrizio Salvatore on searches for Beyond the Standard Model physics the ATLAS experiment. The main topic of the studentship is to extend the work that is cu...
Job description:The University of Sussex Experimental Particle Physics group plays a critically important role in a number of experiments at the frontiers of our knowledge of particle physics, with main involvement in: the ATLAS experiment and its up...