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Top helper jobs in Wilmslow, Cheshire

Search for helper jobs in Wilmslow, Cheshire
Personal Assistant / Carer       Purpose of the job PA required for a young lady in Wimslow, SK9. I am hard of hearing and wear two hearing aids, left leg week (wobbly when walking), left arm wobbly, I suffer with epilepsy and my memory p...
Hourly pay
Permanent employment
Flexible hours
Wilmslow, Cheshire

**Personal Assistant / Carer** **** | **Purpose of the job** | PA required for a young lady in Wimslow, SK9. I am hard of hearing and wear two hearing aids, left leg week (wobbly when walking), left arm wobbly, I suffer with epilepsy and my...
Hourly pay
Full time
Flexible hours
Wilmslow, Cheshire

People Plus Group LTD

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