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EQUANS jobs in Uxbridge, Greater London

Search for EQUANS jobs in Uxbridge, Greater London
Equans is looking for a part time Evening Cleaner to join our team in HMCTS at U xbridge Magistrates Court, UB8 1PQ on a permanent basis. This is a part time vacancy working 10 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £11.50 per hour. Shift tim...
Hourly pay
Permanent employment
Part time
Holiday work
Shift work
Afternoon shift
Working Monday to Friday
Uxbridge, Greater London

Equans is looking for a part time Evening Cleaner to join our team in HMCTS at U xbridge Magistrates Court, UB8 1PQ on a permanent basis. This is a part time vacancy working 10 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £11.50 per hour. Shift tim...
Hourly pay
Permanent employment
Part time
Holiday work
Shift work
Afternoon shift
Working Monday to Friday
Uxbridge, Greater London


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