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Top assistant shipping manager jobs in Abroad

Search for assistant shipping manager jobs in Abroad
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work
Side job

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg/Cyprus. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and mari...
Permanent employment
Contract work

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work

Consortio RG Ltd
Our client is a large global organisation who holds interests in many different aspects of shipping including ship management. With offices in all of the core shipping locations, you will always have the opportunity to progress and develop inside of ...

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work
Work at office

Consortio RG Ltd
Consortio have partnered with an internationally recognized shipping company based in Hamburg. They have 40 years’ experience in the shipping business and are currently expanding. They offer many different services within the shipping and maritime se...
Permanent employment
Contract work

Consortio RG Ltd

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