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The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) jobs in Shillong

Search for The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) jobs in Shillong
The ideal candidate is a motivated, well-organized individual who has a deep understanding of prospecting and developing strong relationships with customers. Responsibilities Develop and execute strategies to drive business in new and existing ...

The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL)
Achieves Room Revenue, Banquet and Outlet budget Revpar and other revenue budgets to be achieved. EBITDA margins to be in line with the hotel revenue. Budget planning to be done before the Financial Year. Sales plan to be submitted based on quarterly...

The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL)
Achieves Room Revenue, Banquet and Outlet budget Revpar and other revenue budgets to be achieved. EBITDA margins to be in line with the hotel revenue. Budget planning to be done before the Financial Year. Sales plan to be submitted based on quarterly...

The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL)

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