...onwards to prepare the panel of PGT, TGT & PRT, Computer Instructor, Doctor, Nurse, Counsellor, Special Educator, Yoga, Games/ Dance Coaches which are to be engaged against the vacancies as and when they arise durin...
...International School (CBSE) On The Wings of Excellence Invites Applications For The Following Position for Academic Year 2024-2025. Receptionist, Admission Counsellor, Special Educator, Marketing Executive, Graphic ...
...Model Sr. Sec. School Required Experienced Staff having Prescribed Qualifications & Excellent Communication Skills in English. Science, Computer Lab - Assistant, Counsellor, Special Educator Industry: Education / Tr...
...TGT - English, Hindi, Science, Maths, Sanskrit and Social Science; Primary & Balvatika Teacher Other Post - Computer Instructor, Yoga Coach, Sports Coach, Music Coach, Dance Teacher, Art & Craft Teacher, Special Edu...
...Political Science, Sociology, Legal Studies, Entrepreneurship & Fine Arts Special Educator (B.Ed in Special Education) Art & Craft Teacher Librarian Admission Counsellor Administrative Officer HR Accountant Transpor...
...-Interview on Thursday, 08th February 2024 For Contractual Staff in the VIdyalaya Doctor, Nurse, Counsellor, Special Educator, Sports Coach, Yoga Instructor, Art/ Craft Coach Industry: Education / Training Functiona...