...concern dept.
6.0 Training
6.1 Organize training twice in month for whole department as per schedule.
6.1.1 Store Hygiene: Housekeeping, safety appliances.
6.1.2 Machine operation.
6.1.3 Dispatch pr...
Responsible for Preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, regular coordination with vendors, responsible for yearly instrument calibration , responsible for TOC machine operation also responsible for TOC & CSMS communication to pollution contro...
...ensure informing about quantity of waste & scrap for disposal to concern department
On fix schedule
Packing Material,Dispatch,Dispatch & Logistic
Designation: Supervisor - Packing & Dispatc...
...quality control department to make RM intimation Note
In case of incoming material in tanker. After tanker approved send to plant /tank farm for unloading tanker.
Unloading and Checking of Raw Materials and pa...
? HPLC/GC Analysis of In-process, Intermediates, raw material, packing material and Finish
Product samples as per defined test procedure.
? Chemical Analysis of In-process, Intermediates, raw material, packing material and Finish
Product samp...
- Learn Grey Grinder operation and support grinder operator for safe and efficient PE operation
- Maintain excellent 5S /housekeeping standards in work area.
- Other duties, responsibilities may b...
...month for whole department as per schedule.
6.1.1 Store Hygiene: Housekeeping, safety appliances.
6.1.2 Machine operation.
6.1.3 Dispatch preparation: Pallet preparation, container cleaning and loading.
Responsible for day-to-Day Production targets
Responsible for Day-to-day production entries posting in SAP
Responsible for fertilizer material Dispatches
Daily stock monitoring of Raw Material, Finished goods & Packing materials and recor...
...Incoming raw material call received from gate supervisor to advice inward material with PO NO and enter in sap and send to weighbridge.
After receipt of weight slip check with material Qty and weight.
Inform t...
...Maintenance Engineer with the Agrochemical Formulation experience in Packing Line’s machineries, Formulation Reactor, Chiller, Compressor, Pump & etc.
UPL, Meghmani, PI, Tagros, Bharat Rasayan, Gujarat Agro pack, B R Agrotech...