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MakTal Technologies jobs in Thrissur

Search for MakTal Technologies jobs in Thrissur
Role DescriptionThis is a full-time, on-site role for a Graphic Designer in Thrissur location. The Graphic Designer will work closely with the team to conceptualize and create designs for website and social media projects. They will also be responsib...

MakTal Technologies
<span>Role Description This is a full-time, on-site role for a Graphic </span><b>Designer </b><span>in Thrissur location. The Graphic Designer will work closely with the team to conceptualize and create designs for website and social media projects. ...

MakTal Technologies
Role Description This is a full-time, on-site role for a Graphic Designer in Thrissur location. The Graphic Designer will work closely with the team to conceptualize and create designs for website and social media projects. They will also be responsi...

MakTal Technologies

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