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Top licensed clinical psychologist jobs in Bidhannagar

Search for licensed clinical psychologist jobs in Bidhannagar
1. She will be responsible for handling and executing the entire nursing section of the Clinic virtually. 2. She will be taking care of and assisting foreign patients through a virtual mode. 3. She must be well aware of the administrative works in ...

Svastir Technology Services pvt ltd
1. Clinical Strategy and Planning: The Clinical Director is responsible for developing and implementing the overall clinical strategy for the startup. This includes setting clinical goals and objectives, determining the company's target patient popul...

Svastir Technology Services pvt ltd
We are seeking a highly qualified and experienced Research Psychologist to join our team. The ideal candidate should possess a Masters level education in Psychology, be registered with the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), and demonstrate exper...

Minds Journal Pvt Ltd

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