...<span>the Opportunity for Freshers. Male And Female Both Can Apply for This Post. Online and Offline Interview Going On. JOB ROLL Back </span><b>Office Executive </b><span>Office Customer Service Executive Officer KYC VERIFICATION Executive,...
<span>Urgent hiring for freshers back office job in </span><b>bank </b><span>2024. SECTOR :Finance and insurance functional. Minimum Qualification 12 pass or Graduate. Nature of this job is full time. Salary 16k to 28k per Month. Age Limit is 18 to 3...
This is The Last Chance For The Fresher Candidates. 18 to 30 Age Limit Fresher Candidates Can Apply This Post. Minimum Qualification Required 12th Pass or Graduate. Male and Female Both Candidates Can Apply This Post. Salary will be Started 15,00 to ...
Freshers candidates can apply for Banking Profile. Male and Female both can apply. Data entry operator, KYC Verification Officer, Customer Service Executive officer etc. Candidates Age18 to 35 year, Qualification: 12th to Graduate, Job Location As pe...