Lantek is the global leader providing software systems and solutions to companies manufacturing parts with sheet metal , tubes, and structural steel. From small workshops to international multi-plant corporations, Lantek systems are present in ev... the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. The Global Solutions Division (GSD) is responsible for providing p...
We are looking for a person to be responsible for the Direct Attention of the new office that Vicomtech plans to open in Bilbao. Among the tasks to be developed, would be:
Attending the reception of the office
Travel management of the organiza... the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. The Global Solutions Division (GSD) is responsible for providing p...
Ejecutivo mejora 40 % en evaluación anual de información pública
La Comisión Presidencial contra la Corrupción valoró los avances en portales web, capacitaciones y ampliación de alcance a nivel municipal.
Ciudad de Guatemala, 29 sep (AGN ).- L...
Requisitos mínimos
-Actitud proactiva, iniciativa, polivalencia, clara orientación a resultados y al cliente.
- Formación profesional Grado Superior y conocimientos técnicos del ámbito de automoción.
- Experiencia previa de, al menos, 3 a 5 años d...
Purpose and Passion • Comprehensive Benefits • Life-Work Integration • Community • Career Growth
At Boston Scientific, you will find a collaborative culture driven by a passion for innovation that keeps us connected on the most essential le...