Weitere Informationen
The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract.The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term currently for one year.It is planned to extend the contrac...
Weitere Informationen
Die Einstellung erfolgt im Beschäftigtenverhältnis.Die Stelle ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen und befristet auf drei Jahre.Die befristete Beschäftigung erfolgt im Rahmen der Befristungsmöglichkeiten des Wissens...
Weitere Informationen
The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract.The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term of 5 years.The fixed-term employment is possible as it con...
...technology, in cooperation with the Chair of Laser Technology LLT at RWTH Aachen University, is offering the opportunity to write a Master's thesis in the field of "Biofabrication" on the subject of "microneedle arr...