...will be situated in the scientific environment of the Center of Life Sciences Management & Policy as well as other related Centers as e.g. the Center for Energy Markets. In addition, collaborations with the TUM Camp...
...boards, private equity firms, law firms and government agencies facing complex challenges. Our senior leaders and their teams leverage A&M’s restructuring heritage to help companies act decisively, catapult growth a...
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
in » Spacecraft Control «
to begin as soon as possible. The position is a W2 fixed-term (6 year) tenure-track professorship ...
Unser Mandant zählt in einem speziellen Bereich der Versicherungen global zu den größten Playern. Der Deutschland-Standort mit Sitz im Rheinland spielt in der Konzernstruktur eine herausragende Rolle. Innerhalb der Division Global P&C ist das Depart...
... eine Einrichtung der Landeshauptstadt München in Betriebsführung des Caritasverbandes der Erzdiözese München und Freising e.V. im Bereich der offenen Altenhilfe und Anlaufstelle für Seniorinnen und Seniore...
...We are looking for a candidate who has:
Advanced education or equivalent in Risk Management, Finance or Social Sciences (e.g. Economics, Political Science or International Relations);
At least 5 years ...
...boards, private equity firms, law firms and government agencies facing complex challenges. Our senior leaders and their teams leverage A&M’s restructuring heritage to help companies act decisively, catapult growth...
...is our claim as a business and IT consultancy to provide firstclass performance and the highest quality for our customers. Therefore Q stands for quality and PERIOR derived from superior underlines that we do everyt...
...the corporate compliance program, working in close partnership with the affiliate Coporate compliance officer, as well as the peers S&G managers in the region, and the local functions and departments.
What You’ll...
Als Senior Expert (m/w/d) mit Schwerpunkt auf Pensions-, Controlling-, Compensation- & Benefits-Fragen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Zukunft des Personalwesens zu gestalten, indem Sie innovative Strategien entwickeln, umfassende Vergütungs- und Zus...