Was erwartet dich?
Du arbeitest in einem Team aus erfahrenen System-Administratoren und Cloud-Engineers
Gemeinsam konzipiert, implementiert und betreibt ihr moderne IT-Plattformen für unsere Kunden auf Microsoft Azure
Unser Herz schlägt ...
Become a member of the BioNTech Family!
As a part of our team of more than 5.000 pioneers, you will play a key role in developing solutions for some of the most crucial scientific challenges of our age. Within less than a year, we were able to deve...
About us
Du bist Cloud Engineer bzw. Systemadministrator und möchtest an den großen Cloud Projekten mitwirken? Wir sind ein führender Managed Cloud Provider für Cloud- und Serverinfrastrukturen auf Azure , AWS sowie der Adacor Private Cl...
Gemeinsam mit dem Head of Customer Operations der Adacor Hosting GmbH , suche ich einen Cloud Engineer (m/w/d) in Offenbach am Main!
Als moderner Cloud Solution Provider der Big Player und Non-Profit-Organisationen, wie z.B. Volkswagen begleit...
Become a member of the BioNTech Family!
As a part of our team of more than 5.000 pioneers, you will play a key role in developing solutions for some of the most crucial scientific challenges of our age. Within less than a year, we were able to deve...
Become a member of the BioNTech Family!
As a part of our team of more than 5.000 pioneers, you will play a key role in developing solutions for some of the most crucial scientific challenges of our age. Within less than a year, we were able to deve...
Become a member of the BioNTech Family!
As a part of our team of more than 5.000 pioneers, you will play a key role in developing solutions for some of the most crucial scientific challenges of our age. Within less than a year, we were able to deve...
Become a member of the BioNTech Family!
As a part of our team of more than 5.000 pioneers, you will play a key role in developing solutions for some of the most crucial scientific challenges of our age. Within less than a year, we were able to deve...
Werde Mitglied der BioNTech-Familie!
Als Teil unseres Teams von mehr als 5.000 Pionieren nimmst du eine zentrale Rolle bei der Lösungsfindung für einige der größten wissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit ein. In weniger als einem Jahr k...
Komm zum Microsoft Partner of the Year!
Cloud Engineer (m/w/d)
Hast du Lust, nur noch mit neuesten Microsoft Cloud Technologien zu arbeiten und den Betrieb der Cloud-Umgebungen unserer Kunden zu managen und weiterzuentwickeln? Be...