French Teacher/Tutor Wanted
Eager to help students turn “Je ne sais pas” into “Oh la la”? Motivated to help support children’s French education outside of the classroom?
Our hours count! Gain valuable teaching experience!
Are you a friendly,...
Part-Time English & Math Teacher/Tutor Wanted Passionate about puns? Excited by equations? Eager to help students succeed in English and Math?
Gain valuable teaching experience! Oxford Learning Kerrisdale is currently seeking a part-time teache...
Tutor Doctor Tutor Doctor provides affordable one-on-one in home and online tutoring services. We service the entire Fraser Valley & Northshore including Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Burnaby, North Vancouver, and W...
Part-Time English & Math Teacher/Tutor Wanted Passionate about puns? Excited by equations? Eager to help students succeed in English and Math?
Gain valuable teaching experience! Oxford Learning Kerrisdale is currently seeking a part-time teache...
Tutor Doctor
Tutor Doctor provides affordable one-on-one in home and online tutoring services. We service the entire Fraser Valley & Northshore including Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Burnaby, North Vancouver, and...
High School Math/Science Teacher/Tutor Wanted Motivated by mathematics? Sharp with science? Excited by equations in both fields? Eager to help students succeed in math and science?
Our hours count! Gain valuable teaching experience! Oxford Learnin...
Part-Time French/English Teacher/Tutor Wanted Excited by literature? Eager to help students succeed in English/French?
We are currently seeking part-time teacher-tutors for a role in our learning centre at Oxford Learning Kerrisdale . This posi...
Tutor Doctor
Tutor Doctor provides affordable one-on-one in home and online tutoring services. We service the entire Fraser Valley & Northshore including Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Burnaby, North Vancouver, and...
Tutor Doctor Tutor Doctor provides affordable one-on-one in home and online tutoring services. We service the entire Fraser Valley & Northshore including Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Burnaby, North Vancouver, and W...
Support First Year Engineering activities: tutoring students in labs, tutorials and one-on-one; marking exams and assignments; hiring and management of teaching assistants; operation of the Multimedia and WEEF Labs.
Tutor first year students