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Top literature tutor jobs in Oakville, ON

Search for literature tutor jobs in Oakville, ON
Part-Time Elementary Teacher/Tutor Wanted Oxford Learning Oakville North  is looking for an enthusiastic, motivated, and committed English/Math/French teacher to join our fabulous staff! Our centre has been rapidly growing and we must ensure that w...
Part time
Shift work
Oakville, ON

Oxford Learning Centres, Inc.
Under the supervision of the Director of Sales – Ontario & Western Canada, the individual who will occupy this position will be responsible to maintain, identify and increase new profitable business opportunities with established and future prospec...
Full time
Contract work
Part time
Work visa
Oakville, ON

Job description: Our group is seeking self-motivated and energetic individuals, who are interested in sales, business, and finance. This position will allow students to understand and experience the sales aspect of a growing business as well as a...
Contract work
Summer work
Summer internship
Oakville, ON

Bristol Capital Management
French Immersion Teacher Eager to help students turn “Je ne sais pas” into “Oh la la”? Motivated to help support children’s French education outside of the classroom?  Our hours count! Gain valuable teaching experience! Are you a friendly, re...
Part time
Summer work
Shift work
Afternoon shift
Monday to Friday
Oakville, ON

Oxford Learning Centres, Inc.
High School Math & Science Teacher/Tutor Wanted Motivated by mathematics? Sharp with science? Excited by equations in both fields? Eager to help students succeed in math and science? Gain valuable teaching experience! Oxford Learning Oakville Sou...
Part time
Summer work
Shift work
Afternoon shift
Monday to Friday
Oakville, ON

Oxford Learning Centres, Inc.
Part-Time Elementary Teacher/Tutor Wanted Passionate about puns? Excited by literature? Eager to help elementary students succeed in all subjects? We are currently seeking part-time teacher-tutors for a role in our learning centre at Oxford Lear...
Part time
Summer work
Shift work
Afternoon shift
Monday to Friday
Oakville, ON

Oxford Learning Centres, Inc.
Kindergarten - Grade 12 English Teacher You must be OCT certified and must have teaching experience in public or private schools in or near the Greater Toronto Area. Oxford Learning Oakville Uptown Core is currently seeking part-time teacher-tut...
Part time
Summer work
Shift work
Afternoon shift
Monday to Friday
Oakville, ON

Oxford Learning Centres, Inc.

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