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Top assisted living cna jobs in Saanich, BC

Search for assisted living cna jobs in Saanich, BC
Salary 35 Earning Hourly Companion/Senior Care I am looking to work with seniors , in various settings . Assisted living , longterm care , private home . I have
Saanich, BC

Salary 25 Max Salary 35 Earning Hourly Seeking an experienced landscaper to take on our garden and lawn care for a large private residential farm in Central Saanich. This job is for flexible weekday employment and hours could range from 25-3...
Flexible hours
Weekday work
Saanich, BC

Salary 25.05 Max Salary 28.75 Earning Hourly Hello my name is Dustin Smith, I am 37 years old, and I am in a wheelchair with C.P. I’m a quadriplegic. Community Living Victoria and I are looking for Community Support Workers who are reliable,...
Temporary work
Part time
Night shift
Afternoon shift
Saanich, BC

Think you got what it takes to be a Comfort Keeper?! Come join our team! Are you a strong team player and have a desire to help others? We are looking for a Caregiver to join our team to work in the Victoria area. We have shifts in the 8-hour to 1...
Holiday work
Shift work
Saanich, BC

Comfort Keepers

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