

Your Career. Our Passion.

Catholic Coordinator of Religious Education

Music Ministry International


Hampton, VA | United States

Job description

The successful candidate for this position will be a 1099 contractor with Music Ministry International and be responsible for the following:

1. Contract Position Title: Catholic Religious Education (RE) Coordinator

2. Scope of Responsibilities

2.1. The Langley Chapel Catholic RE program is one of the largest chapel activities in the Air Force with the responsibility to meet the needs of a diverse community that operates at across JBLE.

Service Locations: Joint Base Langley Eustis

Langley AFB

Fort Eustis

Bethel Manor Housing Area (Bethel Chapel/Youth Center)

2.2. The Langley Chapel section is composed of Chaplains Religious Affairs Airmen an Air Force Civilian Service Catholic Priest a contracted Catholic Priest contractors and lay volunteers. The programming developed and implemented by this staff is extensive.

2.3. This Langley Catholic Community operates a fast paced multifaceted program that requires a high degree of coordination and cooperation among its staff.

3. Faith Formation Characteristics

3.1. This position supports the religious education spiritual growth and sacramental preparation components of the Langley Catholic Community program. The RE and Formation Program will conform to the official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church especially as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church the Archdiocese for Military Services USA (AMS) and publications of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In addition the program will follow the directives of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).

3.2. The Catholic RE Coordinator is responsible for overall development programing and implementation of RE and Catholic Formation Programs. The RE and Catholic Formation

Programs will encompass:

3.2.1. RE and Faith formation for grades K through 12.

3.2.2. Preparation for the Sacraments:

First Holy Communion

First Reconciliation and Confirmation to include workshops and/or sessions for students and parents.

Retreat(s) part of the sacramental preparation program and will be the responsibility of

the Catholic RE Coordinator if there are no other contacts which specify this responsibility. If there is a contactor responsible for the retreats the Catholic RE

Coordinator will plan coordinate and manage the retreats as a coleader.

Baptism provide instructions for parents and godparents/Christian witnesses as requested by the Catholic Chaplain/Priest.

Marriage provide instructions for couples as requested by the Catholic Chaplain/Priest.

3.2.4. Recruitment and training of RE volunteer staff catechists and aides. The Coordinator will become familiar with the AMS religious education curriculum and implement it under the direction of the Catholic Chaplain/Priest.

4. Education Experience and Special Qualifications

4.1. Qualifications

4.1.1. Attitude and Disposition. A positive selfdirected and motivated individual with the breadth and depth of knowledge necessary to accomplish the dayto day coordination of the RE and Formation Program. This person must demonstrate a familiarity with and commitment to Catholic faith and practice as articulated by the documents of the Second Vatican Council and subsequent statements of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the RE curriculum standards established by the Archdiocese for Military Services USA.

4.1.2. Applicants will be evaluated based on a submitted resume as well as the results of an interview to be conducted by the by at least the Wing Chaplain or designee and the Catholic Chaplain/Civilian equivalent. The purpose of the interview is to determine if the applicant meetsall qualifications. A letter from the applicants current pastor or immediate prior pastor must be submitted to document the individuals adherence to Church norms and status as a practicing Catholic in good standing.

4.1.3. Education and Experience. The Coordinator must have documented proof of religious education or experience. In order of preference the coordinator shall have:

(1) A bachelors degree in theology theological studies or religious studies


(2) At least a minor in one of the mentioned fields of study within the context of a bachelors degree in a related major;


(3) An associates degree in theology theological studies or religious studies or a related field of study


(4) 10 years of experience instructing children.

4.1.4. It is preferred that the RE Coordinator has a minimum of 2 years experience as a Catholic

RE Coordinator/Director and/or 5 years teaching experience in a Catholic religious education program.

4.1.5. The Coordinator must possess or be in the process of completing AMS Catechist Certification or willing to begin the certification process within 30 days of contact award. The contractor is responsible for scheduling and completing the AMS Catechist Certification.

4.1.6. Character. An ability to work unsupervised in a fluid and sometimes stressful environment with staff parents and children. Possesses an ability to maintain healthy functional interpersonal relationships with coworkers and customers. Maintains professional standards of conduct and public decorum including but not limited to dress and grooming. All personnel dealing with youth are subject to a positive background investigation as determined by current base and Air Force regulations. Required to participate in and understand expectations of Protecting Gods Children training for self and other staff i.e. completion of VIRTUS training or similar program or similar program approved by AMS.

4.1.7. Catholic Identity. The Catholic RE Coordinator must be a practicing Catholic in good standing who exhibits evidence of a serious commitment to Catholicism and its practice. As such this person must be able to receive RE certification from the Archdiocese for Military Services.

4.1.8. Skills Interpersonal. Must possess the ability to work constructively with the assigned General

Schedule (GS) Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain chapel and parish staff customers and other parish ministers. Theological. Must be able to effectively teach and explain the basic teachings of the Catholic Church. Administrative. Must be an efficient manager and able to organize diverse program elements. Communication. Must be able to communicate the needs and goals of the Catholic Religious Education Program to chapel staff volunteers and customers in written and spoken English. Must be able to do word processing in a Windows environment and maintain a database. Must be adaptable flexible and able to multitask. Must be willing to work in a diverse and ecumenical environment as well as to cooperate with ecumenical endeavors.

4.2. Criminal History Background Check. The contractor shall submit a completed background check application (as required by DoDI 1402.05 Criminal History Background Checks on Individuals in Child Care Services) to the Chaplain Corps background check program manager within 20 days of contract award. The background check will include a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) and an Installation records Check (IRC) within 30 days of contract award in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1402.05. The IRC includes a law enforcement check drug and alcohol record check and a check of the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) for a minimum of two years before date of application. The Coordinator is also required to complete an FBI advanced fingerprint check prior to Line of Site Supervision (LOSS) in accordance with DoDI 1402.05.

4.2.1. The Government shall reserve the right to terminate the contract if the required background check is not completed within 60 days of contract award or if the background check reveals disqualifying information as determined by the Wing Chaplain located at JBLELangley VA.

4.2.2. Provisional background check guidance: While the contractor is waiting for background check determination and has started performing duties will remain under lineofsight supervision (LOSS) at all times while around children under the age of 18 years when parents or guardians are not present.

5. General responsibilities and Specific Responsibilities.

5.1. The Catholic Religious Education program is overseen by and the responsibility of the Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain as they are the Director of Religious Education (DRE).

The Catholic Religious Education Coordinator supports the DRE in the effective implementation of a comprehensive Religious Education and Sacramental preparation program called for in the Minimum Requirements for the Pastoral Care of Catholic Personnel.

5.1.1. To maintain effectiveness the Catholic Religious Education Coordinator shall establish and maintain contact with the AMS Office of Faith Formation and keep the priest informed at all times in whatever means he specifies email text phone written verbal inperson etc.

5.1.2. The Contractor shall perform the following tasks to accomplish the requirements of this contract. Historically the requirement has been approximately 120 hours per month which equates to an estimated 30 hours per week to fulfill the required tasks.

5.2. Programing. The contractor shall schedule and present program calendars and plans to the Catholic Priest/Chaplain at least 90 days before the programs start.

5.2.1. Provides program publicity to the GS Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain for review and approval in accord with local policy.

5.2.2. Coordinates all activities with coordinators of appropriate social music and liturgy programs and committees.

5.2.3. Ensures electronic security for social media apps databases etc. and safeguarding of all PII.

5.2.4. The RE program includes:

Baptismal Preparation

Age 0 Pre K Formation

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Program (Kindergarten 7th grade)

Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) Special Sacrament program

First Reconciliation

First Eucharist (Communion)


Middle and Highschool Youth Program

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

Marriage Preparation

The programs will run for 9 months (September May) at various times. The religious education program includes but not limited to following events:

High school event retreat (typically November)

Springtimes Youth Day retreat

First Reconciliation Event

First Communion and Confirmation Masses

Summer Youth Vacation Bible School (VBS) program (K6 typically Summer 5 days)

Youth Christmas Program

5.2.5. Catholicity: Ensures that all activities materials events are in accordance with doctrine and practice of the Roman Catholic Church and have approval of the Catholic priest. To include:

Sacraments (Baptism First Holy Communion First Reconciliation Confirmation and Marriage) and record reporting to the AMS.

Participation & serving at the Mass / Liturgy regular Confession and sacred music.

Preparation for Baptism for parents and godparents as requested by the Catholic priest.

Coordinator will personally attend each class once per year to ensure Catholic curriculum

is being followed and that Students are learning the curriculum.

Lesson Planning and Checks on Learning: Ensures that lessons plans are teaching approved Catholic doctrine and that both routine and annual checks on learning demonstrate that students are learning.

5.2.6. The Contractor shall be provided a with an identification (ID) badge or lanyard. The ID badge shall clearly display the Contracted Position Contractors name photograph lev l of Child Background Check Security Level and expiration date of such. It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that all Volunteers working with minors in the Catholic community wear an issued ID badge at all times when performing volunteer services with children. This requirement is in addition to any Government facility security provisions that require that a Governmentissued security badge also be worn.

5.2.7. Ensures that all outside of class activities and events have appropriate and adequate chaperones and monitors. Chaperones and monitors must be adults who have passed the background checks completed VIRTUS training and clearly understand their responsibilities and role in any event or activity. A minimum of 2 adults are required with a 7 student/1 adult ratio.

5.2.8. The Coordinator shall visit and evaluate each scheduled religious education class at least once per year and prepare a shortwritten report to the GS Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain.

5.2.9. Conducts an ongoing registration and maintains a database of teachers aides and students. Updated lists are to be submitted quarterly to the GS Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain.

5.2.10. Accountability. Providing 100% accountability of all registered students during scheduled hours of classes to include a written checkin and checkout log/procedures with ID checks.

5.2.11. After Action Reports. The Coordinator shall prepare and afteraction report for all RE programs and events; these are to be submitted to the GS Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain within 5 workdays after the conclusion of the event. Programs that span over a period of 3 months or longer shall provide quarterly reports on status of the program. Informal hot washes may be conducted on the day of the event or as required by the Catholic Priest/Chaplain.

5.2.12. Pandemic Guidance. Shall adhere to all pandemic guidance disseminated by the Joint

Base Langley Eustis. Current guidance can be found here:

5.3. Meetings. Attend periodic meetings with RE Youth Ministry and OCIA program coordinators and Catholic Staff meetings as directed by the Formation Director (Catholic Priest/Chaplain). The RE Coordinator is expected to attend the Catholic Advisory Councils monthly meetings as RE committee chairperson and to submit a status report.

5.4. Budget. Develops and tracks appropriated and Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund budgets for the RE Program. The proposed budget must be developed and submitted to the GS Catholic Priest and the Catholic Advisory Board by 1 February or another date set by the Chaplain and the Council.

5.5. Volunteer Management. Assists the Volunteer Program Managers and Volunteer Supervisor in recruiting training and overseeing and coordinating volunteers in accordance with AFI 52101. Maintains all uptodate listing of all Catholic Religious Education volunteers to include training completion dates. Tracks volunteer hours weekly and reports them to the Volunteer Program manager.

5.5.1. The contractor shall assist in planning and implementation of recognition events for RE volunteers.

5.5.2. The contractor shall manage completion of online basic catechist certification training for all the volunteer catechists teachers per the AMS guidelines.

5.5.3. The contractor shall coordinate and supervise the Catechists and catechist aides for RE.

Ensures catechists and catechist aides are familiar with all chapel operating instructions including facility usage resource protection fire protection and funds utilization. Furthermore communicate to the volunteer catechists teachers and substitutes the importance of being at class at least onehalf hour before classes begins and present until classes are over and their parent and or guardian has picked up all their child/students.

5.6. Parent Support: Parents are the primary educators of children. The Langley Catholic RE programs assists parents in their responsibility. Parents will be provided with:

Calendar of the School Year

Monthly parent packets with curriculum plans & suggestions to assist parents with synchronizing teaching both at home and in religious education programs.

List of additional Catholic educational resources to support parents.

5.7. Facility. The contractor shall prepare facility requests for all religious education activities and related Mass events for the Sacraments at least 30 days in advance and given to the Chapel Manager for approval.

5.7.1. Responsible for setup and cleanup of facilities/buildings used.

5.7.2. Responsible for ensuring security and tidiness of the chapels facilities. Prepare and clean rooms equipment each week. Ensure all facilities and equipment used are properly secured to include all doors and windows following the conclusion of a program. Report room/building problems to the Chapel Manager.

5.7.3. Required to make funding request/arrangements with chapel Cost Center Manager on requirements for the use of the Bethel Youth Center (or other base facility that requires the use of

Appropriated Funding) for the use of the facility for the Catholic RE program.

5.8. Administrative. Maintains a continuity file for the entire Catholic RE Program that is easily assessable by the Catholic Priest/Chaplain.

5.8.1. Catholic RE Coordinator is responsible for: Answering questions about the Catholic RE program and responding to inquiries. Maintains inventoried supplies of materials. Prepares and coordinates Catholic RE fund requests as required. Maintains a professional relationship with the Diocese of Richmond Virginia. Maintains a professional relationship with the RE Coordinators at JBLEFt. Eustis. Facilitates program and activity cooperation and collaboration with other military bases as required and appropriate.

5.9. Training. Annual training will be completed by the contractor every year which will be provided by the Wing Chaplain or his/her designee which shall include but not limited to:

Privileged communication and completion of NonDiscloser Agreement

Family advocacy program

Sexual assault prevention and response policy

Antiterrorism Training Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)

5.9.1. Conference and Training Fees. Chapel directed conferences or training to include travel expenses may be funded by the Langley Chapel appropriated budget contingent upon availability of funds and approval by the wing chaplain.

5.9.2. Professional Development. Contractor should continue personal and spiritual formation as well as professional development through online courses pursuing appropriate certification per the requirement of the AMS personal reading and peer associations (e.g. the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership ).

5.10. SubContracting. The RE Coordinator will personally perform the services described above or coordinate performance by a substitute/subcontractor of equal or higher proficiency who has been approved in advance by the GS Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain. The coordinator/contractor will submit the names and qualifications of the proposed subcontractors.

Approval is to be sought at least fourteen (14) days prior to the absence. Subcontractors must meet the requirements of the position as outlined in the Statement of Work (SOW). Contractor is responsible for payment of the substitute at no additional cost to the government.

5.11. Taxes and Insurance. The Catholic RE Coordinator is a nonpersonal service contractor and is responsible for paying any Social Security payments Federal State or local income taxes (if applicable) and State unemployment insurance premiums for themselves as well as for anyindividual employed or subcontracted by them to provide services under this contract.

6. Date Time and Place of Performance.

6.1. The Catholic RE Program will be a minimum of 30 total hours as outlined by the Archdiocese of Military Services Curriculum Guide during the school year for K 12th gradechildren beginning in September after the Labor Day holiday. All classes will be held on Sunday except on the holiday weeks/weekends spring break weeks and other weeks as designed in advance by the GS Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain. The contractor will need to have an onsite presence at the JBLELangley AFB office location from 1 September through the first week of June.

6.2. Office Location. Office space and required equipment will be provided at the JBLE1Langley location. Program is conducted on Sundays as per approved calendar at the Bethel Youth Center or other designed base facilities.

6.3. Schedule. The contractor shall provide contractor work schedule to the Catholic Priest for approval within 14 days after contract start date. The work schedule is to include classroom hours administrative office hours and customer service office hours. The customer service office hours shall be posted in an appropriate place where customers can easily access them example monthly bulletins or websites.

6.4. Time. A total of an average of 30 hours per week will be required to perform the tasks in the SOW.

6.4.1. The RE Coordinator shall be present for the Sunday RE Program at the JBLELangley AFB Youth Center at Bethel Manor or other designated facility. The Coordinator oversees and supervises the RE Program. The RE Coordinator opens the facility 30 minutes prior to student arrival for setup preparation for the program/event and closes the facility no later than 30 minutes after student dismissal ensuring the facility is clean everything in place and the building is secured/locked. This accounts for approximately three work hours.

6.4.2. The RE Coordinator shall be in his/her office at JBLELangley AFB for a minimum of approximately 5 hours per week on Monday through Thursday to accomplish tasks and responsibilities listed in the SOW.

6.4.3. There is typically one Catholic Program meeting during the week for approximately 1

hour in duration and will be scheduled some time between the hours of 0830 and 1540 on Monday through Thursday. Meetings will not be scheduled before 0830 or after 1530. The specific meeting schedule will be set by the GS Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain. Once a weekly meeting schedule is set it is anticipated to remain the same.

6.4.4. The Coordinators schedule for remaining hours for other tasks are flexible to accommodate tasks in the SOW as well as necessary errands workshops and special liturgical services. The schedule must be approved by the Catholic Priest or Catholic Chaplain.

6.4.5. The RE Coordinator may also be required to spend approximately 5 hours per week to accomplish tasks outside normal duty hours (MF) such as training customer service sacramental preparation and volunteer staff coordination research of programs not accessible on a government computer such as theological and religious education programs.

Identifying/locating a nongovernment computer is the responsibility of the contractor one will not be provided by the government.

6.4.6. The Coordinator must also attend the monthly Catholic Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting once a month for approximately 2 hours September through June. The meetings are held typically on the second Thursday of the month at 1830 exact time and location not specified.

Interested Candidates are requested to forward their resume together with three references from individuals who can attest to the candidates good work and steadiness. Candidates who do not possess the specific attributes/qualifications in section 4. Education Experience and Special Qualifications above need not apply. This is a parttime position with compensation based on budget and the successful candidates experience and qualifications.

Apply directly at: (scroll down to Langley) in order to expedite your application. Your application requires providing reference information for (3) individuals including one priest or pastor who can attest to your abilities as they relate to this job posting. References must include: name title organization relationship to you email address (necessary field) and phone number. Depending on security software candidates are requested to monitor spam folders for further application communications from MMI.

Job tags

Holiday workContract workPart timeFor contractorsFor subcontractorSummer workChristmas workSummer holidayLocal areaImmediate startFlexible hoursSundayMonday to Thursday


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