

Your Career. Our Passion.

Accounts Payable Clerk

Waypoint Contracting, Inc.


Doral, FL | United States

Job description

Position D es cription:

Waypoint’s Accounts Payable is r e sp o nsib l e for pr ov iding the e x ternal a c co u nting and r e gulatory s i de of the com p any, along with work i ng cl o s ely with Waypoint ’ s M a n a gement a nd other b us i n e ss unit l e ad e rs, as necess a ry, to ass u re th a t Waypoint’s a c counting i s e f f i cient, effect iv e and is a l igned with the ne e ds of all stakeho l ders.  Resp o ns i bilities incl u de develop m ent, opera t i o n, a n d control of the financ i al operatio n s of the com p any, including office management, ac co u nting, bud g eting, for e c a sti n g, rep o rting, and a n alys i s . The Accounts Payable is ex p ect e d to have a w o rk i ng k n ow l ed g e of cos t -to-c o st based a c crual ac co u nting pri n cip l es a s it dir e ctly relates t o the operatio n s of a com m erci a l/institutional co n s tr u c tion com p any. Able and willing to perf o rm all the han d s-on as p ec t s of the p o sition as well as b eing cap a ble of progress i vely delegat i ng, manag in g and le a di n g the pro d ucti o n of acco u nting i n formation through su b o rd i nates a nd ot h ers within the organ i zati o n as necessary.

Accounting Assistant Responsibilities

Education a nd/or exper i ence

We are an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.

Job tags

Full time


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