Marlborough, MA | United States
Job description
General Summary
Store Associates provide friendly service to customers shopping in-store and those engaging through omni-channel services. They assess the customer's needs and provide assistance by executing the company's customer service model, always putting the customer first. Store Associates will perform salesfloor and warehouse functions throughout the store including assisting customers, placing merchandise, completing on-line and in-store transactions customer transactions, processing incoming shipment, regular cleaning and maintenance. Store Associates must demonstrate behaviors that align with the company values of Accountability, Collaboration, Humility and Passion. Store Associates are brand ambassadors and responsible for the end-to-end experience, from online to store. Store Associates must comply with all policies and procedures.
Reports to: Store Manager and/or Co-Manager
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Customer Service - Greets every customer with a helpful and friendly approach, reading customer cues and matching their needs with your service level. Share the benefits of the DSW Loyalty program, answer questions regarding merchandise and complete the purchase through either in store sale or digital order.
- Cashwrap - Complete customer transactions while following DSW's policies and procedures. Responsible for accuracy in counting money and providing change. Communicates pricing information from receipt. Operates a calculator and enters data via the register keyboard.
- Store Operations - Maintains a neat, clean and safe environment for our internal and external customers. This includes but is not limited to clearing trash from the aisles, cashwrap, and stockroom, returning shoes back to where they belong according to DSW standards, cleaning the associate breakroom and public restrooms, vacuuming, cleaning mirrors and front walkways along with any other housekeeping items deemed necessary.
- Merchandising - Receives inbound freight, prepares and places merchandise on the sales floor per DSW standards, completes markdowns, maintains clearance standards and organizes and maintains the stockroom.
- Fulfillment - Completes all functions of the fulfillment process including locating items, inspecting condition of product, packaging and label placement ensuring readiness for pick up/delivery.
- Asset Protection - Follows all asset protection policies and procedures.
- Personal Development - Actively participates in daily team meetings and ongoing training. Is open to and responsive to coaching and feedback.
- Other Duties - Performs other duties as assigned by the management team.
Required Skills: - Professional, friendly and respectful
- Ability to move with tempo to meet time bound expectations
- Good written and verbal communication skills
- Proficient in use of technology to successfully engage in customer interactions (i.e. Tablet/Register, Calculator, Register Keyboard)
- Must have the ability to spend up to 100% of working time standing or walking around the store
- Lifting, including the ability to lift up to a maximum of 50 pounds on an occasional to frequent basis
Experience: - No previous retail experience required
- Some High School Education
Preferred Qualifications - Minimum of 1 year of retail experience as Cashier, Retail Floor Generalist, or Store Receiver is preferred
You must apply through our internal portal:
Why Choose A Career with Designer Brands?
Empowering associates and building strong teams poised to disrupt the retail and footwear landscape through positive change is at the core of who we are at Designer Brands.
- Invested in helping our associates learn, develop, achieve and grow into strong leaders
- Shared commitment to creating a culture fueled by engagement, excitement, optimism and fun
- Dedicated to giving back and community involvement
About Designer Brands:
Designer Brands Inc. is one of North America’s largest designers, producers and retailers of footwear and accessories.
- Designer Brands Inc. operates a portfolio of retail concepts in nearly 1,000 locations under the DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse, The Shoe Company, and Shoe Warehouse brands and operates leased locations in the U.S through its Affiliated Business Group.
- Designer Brands designs and produces footwear and accessories through Camuto Group, a leading manufacturer selling in more than 5,400 doors worldwide.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We learned of a fake job offer scam where individuals are using a company’s name and branding to create emails and websites designed to trick individuals into providing personal information because they think they are applying for a job directly with the company. To combat this, companies are listing their legitimate hiring sites and communication methods. Our valid email addresses end in @dswinc.com, @designerbrands.com and @camutogroup.com. Two examples of non-legitimate email addresses are ones that end in @designerbrands.info or @designerbrands.work (do not respond to interview requests or other messages from these). If you are not certain about a communication or an information request, a good practice is to independently look-up a contact for the company (do not use the contact method listed in the request) to verify that you are contacting the right person and not being deceived. If you want to verify a Designer Brands’ related hiring request, please send a message to
[email protected]. Please know we are working to do what we can to stop these scams.
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