

Your Career. Our Passion.

Grant writer

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium


Anchorage, AK | United States

Job description

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium is a non-profit Tribal health organization designed to meet the unique health needs of Alaska Native and American Indian people living in Alaska. In partnership with the more than 171,000 Alaska Native and American Indian people that we serve and the Tribal health organizations of the Alaska Tribal Health System, ANTHC provides world-class health services, which include comprehensive medical services at the Alaska Native Medical Center, wellness programs, disease research and prevention, rural provider training and rural water and sanitation systems construction.

ANTHC is the largest, most comprehensive Tribal health organization in the United States, and Alaska’s second-largest health employer with more than 3,100 employees offering an array of health services to people around the nation’s largest state.

Our vision: Alaska Native people are the healthiest people in the world.

Benefits include:

or contact Recruitment directly at [email protected].

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium has a hiring preference for qualified Alaska Native and American Indian applicants pursuant to P.L. 93-638 Indian Self Determination Act.

This Grant Writer (Proposal Development Specialist) will work with ANTHC departments to develop grant proposals from federal, state, and private sources to fund projects benefitting the health and well-being of Alaska Native people.

T he Grant Writer (Proposals Development Specialist) is responsible for managing the pre-award activities necessary to complete and submit high quality proposals in compliance with funder requirements. The position will manage a portfolio of multiple grant proposals in support of Program Managers and/or Principal Investigators, whose subject matter expertise will shape the scope of work narratives. Proposal development and management, rather than writing are the focal point of this position.

All Levels

R esearches local, State and Federal funding sources, foundations, and corporations, and identifies appropriate funding strategies for projects and initiatives.

U tilizes knowledge of ANTHC priorities and funding needs to connect viable funding opportunities with projects across campus.

C onducts research to provide supporting documentation to proposals in compliance with funder requirements.

C oordinates with grant team members to collect data, community statistics, graphs, maps, articles and related information for analysis in preparation for grant proposal development.

E stablishes and maintains collaborative relationships with staff across the organization to stay informed about ANTHC initiatives, priorities, projects and current funding needs.

S erves as the primary point of contact for ANTHC program staff.

M anages a portfolio of grant proposal projects, coordinating completion of multiple projects simultaneously to ensure timely, compliant, and accurate submissions.

O rganizes and conducts meetings with program staff to develop the proposal, budget and other documents required by the funder.

P rovides subject matter expertise on funders, forms, databases, financial allowances, Code of Federal Regulations, policies and procedures.

E dits proposal narratives and accompanying documents to ensure the proposal is technically responsive to the grant opportunity. May write narrative for grant proposals based on ANTHC need.

C onducts risk assessments and provides recommendations for mitigating risk in collaboration with other departments.

C reates project budgets that accurately represent project costs and are in alignment with allowable costs in accordance with funder requirements and the Code of Federal Regulations.

N avigates complex federal and state databases to ensure submission of proposals.

S upports Directors, Program Managers and accountants in routine grant management activities.

P erforms other duties as assigned or required.

Other information:
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:

K nowledge, skills, and abilities must be demonstrated in your application.

A ll Levels:

K nowledge of Alaska Native culture and the Alaska Tribal Health System

K nowledge of standard regulations and principles of grant programs

K nowledge of business English usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation

K nowledge of standard budgeting and Excel program use

K nowledge of customer services concepts and practices

K nowledge of grant funding processes and regulations

S kill in developing grant proposals

S kill in project and time management

S kill in researching and interpreting grant solicitations

S kill in developing and administering project timelines

S kill in managing multiple priorities and tasks concurrently and meeting deadlines

S kill in self-education Skill in establishing and maintaining cooperative working relationships with others

S kill in operating a personal computer utilizing a variety of software applications

S kill in working independently

G rant Writer II

K nowledge of 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative

R equirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and principles of grant programs

S kill in leading professional work groups and mentoring employees.

M inimum Education Qualification:

A ll Levels

A Bachelor’s degree in journalism, English, communications, public health or a related field. Progressively responsible professional related experience, education or training may be substituted on a year-for-year basis for college education.

M inimum Experience Qualification:

G rant Writer I

N on-supervisory – Two (2) years relevant technical writing, grant writing/grant proposal development, fundraising or project management experience. An equivalent combination of relevant education and/or training may be substituted for experience.

G rant Writer II

N on-supervisory - Four (4) years of successful grant writing/proposal development for federal or state funders, and/or private foundations. An equivalent combination of relevant education and/or training may be substituted for experience.

P referred Experience Qualification:

E xperience in the Alaska Tribal Health System.

P referred Certification Qualification:

N /A

A dditional Requirements:

M ay be required to work outside the traditional work schedule.

Job tags

Holiday workFull timeTemporary workLocal areaOutdoorFlexible hours


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