National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Hampton, VA | United States
Job description
Basic and applied research is being conducted in remote sensing of the Earth’s cloudiness and radiative fluxes (top of atmosphere, surface, within atmosphere). Clouds are the primary modulators of the radiative energy balance of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere on both local and global scales. Data sets from several satellite instruments, including CERES, ERBE, MODIS, VIIRS, CALIPSO, CloudSat, MISR, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, Landsat, AVHRR, HIRS, SSM/I, will be analyzed and compared. Studies in the long-term variability of the surface, clouds, and aerosols in relationship to their effects on the radiative budget of the atmosphere and surface are performed. These studies also involve the usage of surface measurement data sets. In addition, simultaneous aircraft (e.g., SEAC4RS) and/or ground-based laser-radar measurements (e.g. ARM) will be used to examine cloud cover, cloud base and top height, optical depth, reflectance, cloud particle size, liquid and ice water path, and emissivity. Comparisons will be made with theoretical predictions of cloud generation/dissipation and with models of cloud radiative properties such as cloud albedo, bidirectional reflectance, and emissivity. Simulation studies will examine the sampling requirements and cloud measurement capabilities of current and future satellite measurement systems. Use of passive and active microwave observations are of special interest in addressing the problems associated with multilayered cloud systems. Studies are also encouraged that analyze cloud data as large ensembles of cloud systems or “cloud objects”: a Lagrangian analog to the more traditional Eulerian monthly averaged gridded climate data. Cloud studies of this sort include attempts to unscramble changes in cloud dynamics from aerosol effects on clouds, i.e. the aerosol indirect effect. Opportunities also exist for the advancement of radiative transfer model algorithms to improve both the physical representation and speed of computations. These algorithms are being used to investigate the radiative impacts of observed changes to trace gas abundances, as well as to changes in the cloud and aerosol properties (e.g., amount and distribution).
Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
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