Merced, CA | United States
Job description
Opening for a part time, Contract Physician acting as the Center Medical Director/CLIA Lab Director.
Seeking a Part time Contract Physician who will be responsible for ensuring donor suitability, product integrity, and the continued good health of donors through compliance with FDA regulations and our Donor Center SOP. You will not be seeing patients in this role, you will primarily be quality checking work and information and signing off on that. We do provide on-the-job training. The position requires just 4 hours per week and it is a perfect opportunity to earn additional income.
Our ideal candidate is one with a somewhat flexible schedule to visit our donor center every week (4 hours a week). This can be completed in one visit per week or multiple visits if they prefer to break it up.... but they must come at least once a week. Candidates will be detail oriented as they must review donor records. They will be professional and amicable as they will be working directly with our nurses/EMTs. Ideally, they will be available by phone during the hours the donor center is open in case the nurses/EMTs have questions (we try to limit phone calls as much as possible).
Distance to our donor center is very important. We seek physicians who live or work within 40 miles of the donor center.
Ideal candidates will have little to no actions under their license. Candidates should be asked to disclose any actions or malpractice suits on their license to be included with their submittal.
Compensation: $23,680 - $23,680
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