Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls
Aberdeen, SD | United States
Job description
I. Catholic Leadership:
The principal is responsible for the Catholic environment, Faith Community and religious practice within the school community. This includes the study of religion, faith development, appropriate liturgical celebrations in the school, as well as community and public faith witness.
1.1 Demonstrate an active Catholic faith life.
1.2 Demonstrate an ability to express beliefs and values based on that lived faith.
1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the Gospel and church teaching.
1.4 Demonstrate an active public expression and support of Catholic education.
1.5 Demonstrate a positive attitude of enthusiasm, energy and optimism regarding the mission of the school.
1.6 Demonstrate values of Catholic-Christian self-sacrifice, care, and concern for others in everyday interactions.
1.7 Uphold the Canons which dictate the manner in which a Catholic school will be operated.
II. Policy Development and Implementation:
The principal is responsible for implementing diocesan educational policy, implementing and developing local school policy and following applicable government regulations.
2.1 Implement diocesan directives of education.
2.2 Implement local school board policy.
2.3 Assist with developing new local policy.
2.4 Follow government regulations when applicable.
2.5 Consult with President concerning important school business for which there is no policy or precedent to follow before making a decision or adopting a course of action.
III. School Board Leadership:
The principal will take an active role in the functioning of the school board by cooperating in planning regular and special meetings.
3.1 Provide background information and necessary documentation for board meetings.
IV. Organization and Administration:
The principal is responsible for the organization and administration of the school,
especially, in the areas of finance, facility, maintenance, and student records.
4.1 Cooperate with the Development Office in solicitation and the raising of funds.
4.2 Work with the President to determine the educational budget.
4.3 Work with the President in developing and executing the strategic plan.
4.4 Maintain state and federal health and safety standards.
4.5 Establish system for collecting and maintaining appropriate school records.
4.6 Supervise special services provided by Aberdeen Public School.
V. Personnel Management:
The principal will recruit, recommend for hiring, and supervise all instructional/non-instructional members of the school staff.
5.1 Provide faculty in-service at regular faculty meetings and on special in-service days.
5.2 Administer a teacher supervision and evaluation plan.
5.3 Make recommendations to the President including employment, assignment,
and dismissal of ineffective teachers and personnel.
5.4 Supervise activities of volunteers in the school.
5.5 Insure that proper supervision is provided and an otherwise safe environment is
established for students during the day.
5.6 Develop and maintain faculty handbook.
VI. Instructional Program and Extra-Curricular Activities:
The principal will supervise the instructional program and the extra-curricular activities of the school.
6.1 Provide for the assessment of students’ educational process by the use of standardized and teacher-made tests and report such progress to parents and school board.
6.2 Provide for quality instruction in every curriculum area by conducting regular
evaluation and updating of materials and teaching methods utilizing teacher and
parental input.
6.3 Maintain a standard of student behavior conducive to learning and based on positive
Catholic Christian values and accepted child development principles.
6.4 Provide for the integration of our Catholic faith throughout the curricula.
VII. Communication and Public Relations:
The principal will communicate effectively with the various public entities connected with the school.
7.1 Inform parents promptly of any difficulty or any especially positive experience
concerning their child.
7.2 Keep the staff, students, parents, and general public properly informed about the activities and progress of the high school
VIII. Personal, Religious and Professional Development:
The principal will strive to grow personally and professionally in faith development each year.
IX. Parental Involvement:
9.1 Provide effective programs which involve the parents in the life of the school, and the education of their children. Invite regular contacts with parents by teachers.
9.3 Provide training programs for parent volunteers.
9.4 Schedule programs and examine practices of the schools so that they are sensitive to family schedules, demands, and pressures.
X. Other Local Responsibilities
10.1 The principal will perform others tasks and undertake other responsibilities necessary to provide quality education in the school.
XI. Facility
11.1 Administer the operation of the facility.
11.2 Supervision of school building, furniture, grounds and all property to ensure they are kept in good order.
11.3 Make an annual inventory of equipment, textbooks and supplies.
11.4 Make recommendation concerning building alterations, addition, new equipment
and improvement of grounds.
XII. Conflict of Interest
XIII. Requirements:
Master’s degree or beyond and a current, valid South Dakota teaching certificate with Administrative endorsement.
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