Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (P...
Massachusetts | United States
Job description
One position is available.
The PVPC is seeking candidates for a GIS Coordinator. This position will be tasked immediately with building the capacity of the PVPC GIS/Graphics section to allow for additional support for the communities in the Pioneer Valley region. A successful candidate will be able to quickly learn the structure of the GIS and data landscape both within PVPC and also within our communities. The ability to rapidly build rapport with our partners and communities is vital. A successful candidate will have the ability to grow the work and funding of the GIS section. A successful candidate will bring fresh vision to the section and the role that GIS plays in the collective work of PVPC.
The application deadline is Monday, February 26, 2024. While the position will remain open until the recruitment is cancelled, first consideration will be given to applications meeting the February 26th deadline. Please note that we will begin interviewing candidates before the application deadline.
The PVPC is a qualified employer for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF). The PVPC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion or in employment or the provision of services. An AA/EOE.
See for a full job description and salary range.
Please submit a cover letter and resume to Indrani Kowlessar, Director of Human Resources, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, 60 Congress Street, Springfield, MA 01104, email:
[email protected].
Apply via email to
[email protected]
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