NHS Jobs
Dartford, Kent | United Kingdom
Job description
1. Clinical responsibilities:Reports any accidents or incidents to the Team Leader and knows whatactions to take in emergency situations.Welcoming patients in a courteous manner, checking and confirmingtheir personal details.Assists in maintaining a safe environment for patients, visitors and otherstaff, as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act.Undertakes other duties as directed, such as cleaning, storing andchecking of equipment and the tidying of non-clinical and storage areas.Works across Outpatients clinics on all Trust sites as required to deliverthe service.Helping patients/carers/relatives in their enquiries or dealing withcomplaints, referring them to a clinic nurse or Sister if unable to resolveor appropriate.2. Managerial responsibilities:Acts as a designated receptionist, responsible for all aspects of clinicadministration for their named clinician.Ensures all case notes are available and prepared, prior to thecommencement of the clinicEnsures, post consultation that patients are booked out, follow-upappointments are made and arrangements for transportReconciles the clinic at the end of the session, taking appropriate actionon patients who did not attend (DNAs) or cancelled their appointments.Ensures safe custody of health records at all times, whilst they are inthe clinics or in transit to another area.Ensures that health records are tracked to the correct location using thePAS system.Assist with ensuring that all necessary material resources are availablefor clinic sessions.Uses all resources appropriately and is aware of the consequences ofnot doing so.Maintains standards of performance for the department, reporting anyactual or potential shortfalls, to the Team Leader.Assists in the implementation of National, Trust and Local policies3. Professional responsibilities:Undertakes any duties as requested in order that the clinics are able todeliver and maintain services.Promotes the Outpatient Department and Trust as a whole, in the mostpositive manner to the patients and visitors, the local community, voluntary and other organisations, and other Trust staff at all times.Works within their own capabilities and guided by Trust and LocalPoliciesAttends and participates in departmental meetings4. Education and development responsibilities:Maintains and develops own job competence by attending statutory,mandatory and other relevant study days and courses, participating inon-the-job development and through self-development and reflection.To participate in annual IPR and regularly update your PersonalDevelopment Plan.To participate in the induction and learning outcomes of new staff. Participates with tasks and projects as required, as well as supportingothers, in order to maintain and develop Outpatient Services
Job tags
£23.58k per annum