NHS Jobs
Yeovil, Somerset | United Kingdom
Job description
Purpose of the role To support Somerset Integrated Care Board and partner organisations in the management and prevention of infection through working as a member of the infection prevention and control team, supervised by the Lead Infection Prevention and Control Nurse. The post holder will be a key member of the IPC and Quality, Safety and Improvement team whose overarching goals to enable, promote and support the effective use of data, information, knowledge and technology to improve, inform and support a portfolio of projects and initiatives related to IP&C. Work collaboratively across the ICB resolving day to day IPC issues autonomously where possible. Work flexibly within the IPC team to support all health and social care providers across the Somerset system. To assist or lead quality improvement projects/initiatives. Supporting IPC by promoting, advocating, and enabling best infection prevention and control practice through developing relationships with and health and social care providers across Somerset ICB Implementation of national guidance and evidence-based practice Influencing clinical practice Surveillance of communicable infections and analysis of infection data Auditing of environments and clinical practice audits Educational and training The ICB has responsibility for proving services and support to several primary care services including GP Surgeries, dental, community pharmacy and community optometry. Hence, the role will be required to support the IPC and Quality, Safety and Improvement team with quality assurance and improvement of dental practice provision across the Somerset system. Work collaboratively with across Somerset System to ensure policies and procedures are up to date and focused on high quality care and patient safety demonstrating compliance with national standards for IPC, including the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice on the Prevention and Control of Infections Provide specialist advice and share dental knowledge and expertise across the IPC and Quality, Improvement and Patient Safety teams. Work collaboratively with Complaints team within the ICB to provide expert knowledge to complaint response related to dental practices and all health care providers across the Somerset system. To provide specialist clinical advice on quality and patient safety related to dental care to support local health and social care providers as appropriate. Key responsibilities of the role Professional/Clinical Participate and assist investigation of outbreaks of infection and participate in monitoring prevention and control measures. Participate and lead post infection reviews of alert organisms, identifying learning outcomes, assisting in the development of improvement action plans and escalating concerns. To be aware of infection prevention and control national guidance to provide advice on infection prevention and control principles to enable the provision of safe, quality care. Regularly evaluate control of infection measures in specific situations with a view to constant improvement. Advise on the care of individuals with infectious conditions and seek advice from IPC lead/team where appropriate. Collect clinical data for use by the infection prevention and control team for the purpose of monitoring and the surveillance of infections. Participate in audit programmes across health and social care settings, reporting results and facilitating change as appropriate Liaise and report on a daily basis to the Lead Nurse and IPC team on current infection prevention and control business and issues. Monitor compliance with infection prevention and control guidelines. Assist in the development of infection prevention and control champions across all health and social care settings. Enable and support their professional development through visits to their workplace, setting up link persons forums to support networking and educational sessions. To participate in specific system wide IPC and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) improvement programmes as required. This will include assisting with the GNBSI reduction programme, with a specific emphasis on reducing cases associated with primary care and the care home sector. Be aware of and contribute to the wider IPC agenda system wide throughout Somerset. To attend Somerset Infection Control forum and other regional or national meetings as appropriate. Promote infection prevention and control principles and best practice, leading by example. Support the ICB patient safety and quality improvement function, working in collaboration with the quality team. Participate in patient safety quality improvement programmes in collaboration with the quality, safety, and improvement team. Analytical and Judgemental Responsibilities Participates and/or leads complex case reviews where information is obtained from a variety of different sources (sometimes conflicting), and interprets information gained to provide an opinion of whether evidence-based practice has been followed, and to identify any learning that needs to be taken forward with the appropriate organisation / individual. Assesses and participates in serious incident investigations for IP&C and other patient safety areas. Identifies root causes of incidents, recognises, and offers solutions to prevent recurrence Interprets and analyses sometimes complex HCAI surveillance data from a variety of different sources, including the identification of trends and themes, and produces reports to reflect these Reviews provider performance data and audit reports to assess performance and compliance with national standards, making recommendations accordingly, and works collaboratively to achieve improvements where necessary. Exercises own judgement in assessing events and prioritising work. Planning and Organisational Responsibilities Participates and develops complex programmes of work relating to IPC, and plans how these will be implemented, co-ordinating multiple organisations/ individuals, and taking into account changing priorities and circumstances. Plans, implements, and evaluates changes in practice, with an emphasis on sustaining improvements made in IPC. Collaborates with staff from a wide range of organisations such as provider organisations, Somerset County Council, Local Authority Public Health, United Kingdom Health Security Agency, National Health Service England etc. Collaborates with ICB quality, safety and improvement team in planning and implementing quality monitoring and assurance activities Lead and participate in quality improvement projects in response to learning from infection investigations/thematic reviews. Communication and Relationships Communicates and builds effective relationships with a wide range of professionals at all levels from a variety of commissioning and provider organisations. Uses motivational, persuasive, and negotiating skills with individuals and groups to promote compliance with best practice. Works collaboratively to ensure organisations or individuals identify any lapses in care, and action learning associated with these. Provides support to organisations and IPC teams to implement national guidance and evidence-based practice. Presents complex and /or contentious information to individuals and groups, including the public. Demonstrates confidence in conveying and justifying their professional opinion where this may be contentious. Communicates with patients / clients about sensitive and personal information in relation to Healthcare associated Infections (HCAIs). Builds strong, open relationships with IPC teams from provider organisations, in order to facilitate both performance monitoring, as well as to provide support. Communicates highly complex information in relation to HCAIs and IPC to a range of individuals with varying levels of knowledge of the subject, and at all grades of seniority. Works as part of the quality and nursing team in promoting quality improvement and patient safety across all commissioned services. Physical Responsibilities High levels of data accuracy required. Demonstrates advanced keyboard skills and ability to use a variety of different computer software packages e.g., surveillance software such as ICNET. Responsibility for Patient / Client Care Provides highly specialist advice regarding the care and/or treatment of patients with infection. Ensures all clinical advice complies with national guidance and evidence-based practice. Interprets microbiological and other clinical test results in order to provide appropriate clinical advice. Communicates with patients regarding surveillance information, including risk factors for infection, clinical history etc. Participates in patient and carer experience programmes as part of the quality and nursing team. Responsibility for Policy / Service Development Interprets national guidance and published material in order to advise how organisations should apply it to their specific areas of clinical practice. Proposes policy changes within provider organisations according to evidence based practice. Reviews data presented by provider organisations in terms of compliance with policy implementation, interprets this, and offers suggestions to improve compliance where necessary.
Job tags
£35.39k - £42.62k per annum