

Your Career. Our Passion.

Centre Manager

With Kids


Scotland | United Kingdom

Job description


About The Women’s Centre

The Women’s Centre Glasgow provides a safe, confidential and welcoming space to women living primarily in the NW ofGlasgow. It has a long history of supporting women and will celebrate it’s 30th anniversary this year.

We provide support services including: a drop-in café, counselling, holistic services (reiki & yoga), a range ofcreative activities, promote health & wellbeing and educational activities. We believe in the power ofcommunity, working together and are committed to fighting discrimination.

The Manager’s role is crucial, leading the team of staff and volunteers to implement our mission of empowering womenand ensuring the sustainability of the Centre for the future. The role offers an exciting opportunity to buildon the previous work of the Centre and develop new and innovative ways to meet the needs of local women.

Application notes

Applicants are welcomed from all sections of the community.

Applications will be accepted from women only under schedule 9, part 1 of the Equality Act 2010.

Closing date is 9am on Monday 11th March 2024, Interviews on Monday 18th March 2024

Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis (GCRC) exists to promote the welfare, and relieve the distress, of women and girls whohave experienced rape or any form of sexual abuse or exploitation during their lives. They operate with acommitment to promoting and responding to survivors needs through an empowerment model of work, reducing theimpact of sexual violence by supporting, educating, informing, and advocating for survivors.

GCRC take a proactive stance against the oppression of women and girls, challenging systemic issues and societalattitudes toward sexual violence. Their approach both aims to educate and empower, with the goal of transformingperspectives and fostering a society that rejects all types of violence against women and girls.

They provide a comprehensive array of services aimed at addressing the diverse needs of survivors. These servicesinclude Triage and Support, Justice and Community Support, Training, Education and Prevention. GCRC providessupport to approximately 3000 women across Glasgow and Clyde per year. Each service offered by GCRC has beenstrategically developed to empower survivors and ensure they can access support in a safe and preferredway.

To support them in achieving their ambitions, GCRC are actively seeking dedicated and passionate women to join themas their new Deputy Director. As the Deputy Director, you’ll be part of a team of inspiring women that areresponsible for the overall strategic direction of the organisation, overseeing the overall day-to-dayoperations, and ensuring compliance of the process and policies of the organisation. GCRC, like many women'sorganisations, has transitioned from a collective working model to a feminist governance model.

As the Deputy Director, you will be a dedicated and compassionate individual who will play a pivotal role in shapingthe centre’s impactful initiatives. Your commitment to empowering survivors and fostering a community ofunderstanding will be truly inspiring. You will work tirelessly to ensure that the centre remains a safe haven,offering not just healing but also advocacy and education. Through tour leadership skills, GCRC will become asymbol of strength. Breaking the silence surrounding sexual violence and paving the way for a future wheresurvivors can reclaim their lives with resilience and courage.

This is a fantastic opportunity for women from all walks of life, the Deputy Director will articulate the feministvalues of GCRC and their fundamental belief that violence against women and girls has at its root, the unjustimbalance of power between men and women, and that this reflects deep rooted and structural inequality in oursociety. If you have demonstratable experience in over seeing day-to-day operational delivery, and have assumedresponsibility for the development, implementation, and monitoring of annual business plans, risk registers,budgets, and compliance with operational processes and policies then we would love to hear from you.

Please note, applications are open to women only, covered by the occupational requirement exemption (Schedule 9, Part1) of the Equality Act 2010.

Committed to Ending Abuse (CEA), formerly Falkirk & District Women’s Aid, is seeking to recruit a part-time MaracCo-ordinator. Marac is a multi-agency risk assessment conference which is a process that identifies the highestrisk victims of domestic abuse. The purpose of this role is to co-ordinate the Falkirk Marac meetings, conductresearch, and create reports for the Marac and ensure all actions are undertaken to safeguard victims fromserious harm or homicide.

CEA is a registered Scottish Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee with a Board of Directors. CEA offers aninclusive service committed to ending all forms of abuse.

We provide support to anyone regardless of age, beliefs, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexual orientation, and race.

The post will commence as soon as possible. The post holder will require successful reference checks, enhanced PVGchecks and police clearance and will be expected to work closely with partner agencies. This post is currentlyfunded until September 2026. Two days will be working within CEA Offices and one day will be working fromLarbert Police Station.

Benefits such as generous annual leave entitlement and an additional day off on your birthday. Company pensionscheme. Resources costs are covered, external and internal supervision costs are covered, and CDP training issupported.

Women have been disproportionately affected by the cost of living crisis and are facing increased levels of povertyand financial hardship. The Women's Centre Glasgow has secured funding via the Scottish Illegal MoneyLending Unit to run a pilot project to alleviate financial insecurity for women and families. The role alsoinvolves raising awareness of the impact illegal money lending has on individuals, families and the widercommunity.

We are seeking a compassionate, enthusiastic advice worker with a thorough knowledge of the financial landscape toimprove the lives of women and families living with financial insecurity.

About The Women’s Centre

The Women’s Centre Glasgow provides a safe, confidential and welcoming space to women living in the NW of Glasgow. Weprovide support services including: a drop-in café, counselling, holistic services (reiki & yoga), a rangeof creative activities, promote health & wellbeing and educational activities. We believe in the power ofcommunity, working together and are committed to fighting discrimination.

What we offer

The opportunity to work in a vibrant community-based centre as part of a small, welcoming and dynamic team. TheWomen’s Centre has a long history of making a difference to the lives of women in primarily NW Glasgow and youwould have the chance to take forward this legacy in empowering women living with poverty and to contribute towider change. The role offers an exciting opportunity to take responsibility for this piece of work, to be partof a pilot scheme tackling financial insecurity and to have a significant impact on the lives of women. Itoffers opportunities for developing skills and for building a network.

Glasgow Women’s Aid provides information, support and temporary accommodation for women, children and young peopleexperiencing domestic abuse. We have refuge accommodation, follow on services and outreach services both forwomen and children across Glasgow.


We are currently recruiting a unique individual with the expertise, time and commitment to join our Board and providesound strategic guidance and leadership to help drive the charity forward. We are specifically interested inrecruiting a Board Member with skills and expertise in relation to Fundraising and Health and Safety. You mightbe working within a high level fundraising or health and safety role and feel that you want to add to your skillset and get experience within a different sector.

It would be advantageous to have previous experience of being a Board Member or working closely with a Board. We arelooking for Board members with experience of various organisations and sectors.


Job tags

Temporary workPart timeLocal areaAfternoon shift1 day week


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