NHS Jobs
Portsmouth, Hampshire | United Kingdom
Job description
Communication To demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including observation, active listening, and empathy skills To demonstrate highly developed verbal and written presentation skills To communicate complex condition-related information from assessment to patients, carers, families, and members of the multi-disciplinary team/other professions. This involves always maintaining sensitivity to the emotional needs of patients and their carer, when imparting potentially distressing information regarding the nature of the difficulties and implications of the same Provide advice to others regarding the management and care of patients with communication & or swallowing difficulties Demonstrate empathy with patients, carers & families, & colleagues, ensuring that effective communication is achieved, particularly where barriers to understanding exist To demonstrate the ability to reflect on auditory, visual, & kinaesthetic aspects of patients' communication & to identify appropriate strategies to facilitate & enhance communication effectiveness. Administrative To share information with others, observing information governance guidelines To gather activity data accurately and regularly, ensuring the provision of such information promptly within local Trust guidelines Maintain up to date & accurate case notes in line with Health Care Professional Council (HCPC) & Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) professional standards & local trust policies, including assessment results, treatment plans & reporting back to source of referral & other appropriate colleagues Reports will reflect knowledge of diagnosis & management/care plans. Knowledge, Education and Training To contribute to formal and informal teaching and training, both within the profession and with other professionals or voluntary groups, adapting it appropriately to the needs of course participants and reflecting on and evaluating the training provided To assist with the identification of training needs within the team, including SLT assistants To participate in clinical and professional education of SLT students To provide mentoring to more junior SLTs To explain the role of SLT to visitors, students, volunteers, and the public To demonstrate the ability to reflect on practice with peers and mentors and identify own strengths and development needs Manage & prioritise own workload independently, using locally & nationally identified prioritisation systems, demonstrating an ability to be flexible in day-to-day operational activity. This will include being responsive to unpredictable work patterns, deadlines & frequent interruptions & escalating appropriately if time management becomes challenging Management and Leadership Responsibility for ensuring: Standards of work are maintained and Trust policies for the management of staff performance are adhered to Full compliance with Trust clinical governance requirements Appropriate risk and other assessments are completed and documented in a timely manner in accordance with Trust policy Appropriate health and safety and other mandatory training as prescribed and those relevant records are maintained Other records are maintained ensuring compliance with the agreed record keeping systems of the Trust Informed consent is obtained where appropriate and documented in accordance with Trust procedures New and replacement equipment is not used until it has been commissioned in accordance with Trust policy. Equipment is maintained in accordance with Trust policy Defective equipment is reported and made safe without delay in accordance with Trust procedures Infection prevention and control procedures are followed by all staff within their area of responsibility To supervise the work of SLT Assistants and volunteers as required To receive initial complaints sensitively, avoiding escalation where possible, and responding in line with Trust policy To contribute to the development of innovative practice in areas of risk management, quality standards setting and clinical effectiveness To participate in Clinical Governance/audit projects/departmental research within local service, and to contribute to writing and implementation of actions plans as required To comment on and suggest service/policy developments as appropriate Quality and Service Improvement Identifies situations of clinical risk and takes appropriate action to ensure a safe environment for patients/clients/families and staff Contributes to evidence-based practice in speciality areas Demonstrates commitment to quality improvements, risk management and resource utilisation, participating in monitoring and evaluation activities including audit and research activities Provides input into clinical standards/protocols and policies and undertakes clinical audits as required Evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of clinical practice contributing to service improvement initiatives Participates in the implementation of models of care appropriate to patient/client population needs Contributes to and participates in Solent NHS policy development providing own expertise where relevant and feedback on proposed polices based on relevant experience and expertise where applicable Participates in case review and debriefing activities as required Participates in group/unit discussions that review current practice Contributes to the development of programmes of care/care packages providing specialist advice where relevant Promotes patient and public involvement in activities designed to inform service improvement Actively participates in clinical audit and service improvement activity to improve patient care and patient outcomes (privacy, dignity, and duty of candour) Fully adheres to the Solent NHS trust Integrated Clinical and Safeguarding Supervision policy along with Safeguarding Children and adult policies, and information sharing protocols to ensure the health and well-being of children and adults at risk Is familiar with the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act and maintains MCA mandatory training Health and Safety, Security and Equality Works in accordance with the relevant Health and Safety Trust policies, procedures, and guidelines To comply with the safeguarding policies of the Trust, ensuring all concerns, incidents & allegations are reported in line with this Contribute to development of service Attends organisational mandatory training as required by the Trust and relevant to your role Actively participates in and enables others to carry out risk assessments within the working environment Ensures self and colleagues are trained and competent to use equipment safely Ensures incident reporting is expedited promptly and appropriate action plans completed Identifies potential health, safety and security issues and collaborates with others to promote and maintain an environment that supports infection prevention and control policies and procedures Supports and promotes the implementation of the Solent NHS Trust Equal Opportunities Policy to eliminate discrimination and disadvantage in service delivery and employment Promotes a culture which respects and values equality, diversity, and inclusion, and supports patients, visitors, and staff in exercising their rights Adapt practice to meet individual circumstances, including cultural & linguistic differences Ensures care within areas of practice and adheres to the 5 principles of the Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice (2005) Recognises and reports behaviour which undermines equality and diversity in accordance with organisational policies and current legislation. Limits of Authority May not dismiss or suspend staff under the disciplinary procedures May not take annual leave without prior agreement of the manager General Requirements Ensure they and where appropriate their staff: Always adhere to trust policies and procedures, comply with trust standing orders, standing financial instructions, policies, procedures, and guidelines, follow any policies and procedures in relation to infection, prevention, and control are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children, and vulnerable adults, and the specific responsibilities placed on individuals who care for such clients/patients take all reasonable steps to manage and promote a safe and healthy working environment which is free from discrimination, comply with the trust policy on confidentiality, and the Data Protection Act 2018 as amended, relating to information held manually or on computerised systems, Always respect the confidentiality and privacy of clients and staff, maintain a constant awareness of health, welfare and safety issues affecting colleagues, patients, visitors, and themselves, reporting any accidents or fault in line with trust policy, fully participate in health and safety training, participate in personal training, development, appraisal, and attend all relevant training courses as required comply with the professional body code of conduct
Job tags
£35.39k - £42.62k per annum